Syrian Rebels Ransack
Christian Churches

NATO-backed thugs desecrate places of
Syrian Rebels Ransack Christian
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Shocking images have emerged
which show the aftermath of Christian churches ransacked by NATO-backed Syrian rebels, illustrating once again how
western powers are supporting Muslim extremists in their bid to achieve regime change in the middle
A photograph provided to us by a Christian woman in Homs, scene of
some of the bloodiest clashes of the conflict, shows a member of the Free Syrian Army posing with a looted Catholic
cross in one hand and a gun in the other while wearing a priest’s robe.
“Everyone knows simply removing these garments from the church is a
sin. The priest is the only one who wears them too. They even pray before putting them on. Him posing in front of
the funeral car as well is disgusting to the max,” our source told us.
“They destroyed the church and went in to film it. I know this for a
“The Robes can only be worn by Deacons or Priests or Sub-Deacons, and
they a Christian man wouldn’t hold a Cross in one hand and a gun in another,” the woman adds
Another image shows a ransacked church in Bustan al-Diwan (Old

While Syrian rebels busy themselves ransacking Christian churches,
they’re also rallying around the Al-Qaeda flag just as their counterparts did in Libya.
This video shows Syrian “activists” flying the Al-Qaeda flag during
an anti-Assad protest in the northern Syrian town of Binnish.
In another clip, armed Syrian rebels address the camera
standing behind a table draped with the black Al-Qaeda flag.
Last month we highlighted a photo published by
French news agency AFP that shows a Syrian rebel wearing the Al-Qaeda flag on his arm accompanying UN observers in
the village of Azzara.
Why are western governments who are supposed to be engaged in a ‘war on terror’
against radical Muslim terrorists handing those very same terrorists control over entire countries?

A third image sent by our source shows another place of worship, Church Um Al
Zinar, with part of its roof missing thanks to Syrian rebels who have been portrayed by the international media as
saints despite their involvement in terrorist bombings and massacres.
The latest terror attack carried out by rebels occurred earlier today
when gunmen stormed a pro-government TV station, bombing
buildings and shooting dead three employees.
The sight of NATO-backed rebels desecrating Christian places of
worship is becoming a recurring theme.
Back in March we reported on shocking video footage
which showed Libyan rebels desecrating Christian and Jewish graves at a cemetery.
The clip shows Libyan rebels breaking apart headstones while shouting
“Allahu Akbar”. The men later try to smash up a large Christian cross statue with sledgehammers.
Watch the clip below.
Libyan Rebels Destroy Jewish and Christian Cemetery
Syrian village is 'liberated' by rebels... who then forced
Christians to convert to Islam
- Syrian rebels including al-Qaeda-linked fighters have gained
control of a Christian village north-east of the capital Damascus
- Government media has provided a different account suggesting
regime forces are winning
- The battle is taking place in Maaloula, a scenic mountain village
where people still speak the ancient Middle Eastern language of Aramaic
By Mail Foreign Service
PUBLISHED: 14:27 EST, 8 September 2013 |
UPDATED: 01:08 EST, 9 September 2013
Christians claim Syrian rebels ordered them to convert to Islam on pain of death when they ‘liberated’ their
ancient village.
Opposition forces, including fighters linked to Al Qaeda, gained
temporary control of the Christian village of Maaloula after fighting with regime forces.
The reports have reignited fears about western support for the rebel
groups, which are increasingly being infiltrated by Islamic extremists.

A Syrian military solider fires a heavy machine gun during clashes with rebels in

Government media has provided a different account of the battle suggesting regime forces are

A general view of Maaloula, northeast of the capital Damascus. Rebels including al-Qaida-linked
fighters are believed to have gained control of the village
Syrian government forces stand guard in Maaloula village, a scenic mountain village where
people still speak the ancient Middle Eastern language of Aramaic
One Maaloula resident said the rebels, many of whom had beards and
shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is great), attacked Christian homes and churches shortly after moving into the
‘They shot and killed people. I heard gunshots and then I saw three
bodies lying in the middle of a street in the old quarters of the village. Where is President Obama to see
what has befallen us?’
Another Christian resident said: ‘I saw the militants grabbing five
villagers and threatening them and saying, “Either you convert to Islam, or you will be
Another said one church had been torched, and gunmen stormed into two
other churches and robbed them.
The beautiful mountain village, 25 miles from Damascus, is one of the
few places in the world where residents still use the ancient language of Aramaic, which was spoken by Jesus
and his disciples.

Historic: A church in Maaloula which is on a UNESCO list of tentative world heritage sites

State-run TV reported that all churches in Maaloula were now safe and the army was
chasing gunmen in the western hills
It has become a key strategic battleground in the Syrian civil war
because of its proximity to the capital. It was held by President Assad’s regime, but taken at the weekend in
a rebel advance spearheaded by the hardline Islamist al Nusra Front.
Villagers said they heard several foreign accents among the rebels,
with many feared to be Al Qaeda fighters imported into the conflict. A villager said he heard mainly
Tunisian, Libyan, Moroccan and Chechen dialects.
In a video posted online, a rebel
commander shouted at the camera: ‘We cleansed Maaloula from all the Assad dogs and all his thugs.’ But Syria’s
state news agency claimed the rebels had withdrawn and the regime had regained the village, saying: ‘The army
inflicted heavy losses in the ranks of the terrorists.’
A Christian woman who spoke to the Associated Press on Thursday also said there were
reports that militants threatened villagers with death if they did not convert to Christianity
A church in Maaloula where fighting has been taking place overnight. A poster with the
portrait of Syrian President Bashar Assad is seen bottom right
Corporate media ignores massacre of
Christians in Syria
Novemb er 23, 2013
Western media outlets have come under criticism from
Christians in Syria for turning a blind eye to atrocities carried out by Takfiri terrorist groups against the
Christian community in the war-torn country.
A new report by the news service of the Pontifical Mission Societies highlights the massacre of 45 Christians in
the village of Sadad, northeast of Damascus.
The killing marks the biggest massacre of Christians in the Syrian conflict which began in March 2011.
The report also blamed the foreign-backed Takfiri militants for the massacre, and denounced the US government
and its mainstream media for remaining silent on the mass murder.
More Christians are now fleeing their homes as the persecution is worsening in militant-held territories in the
Christians say kidnapping, rape and execution of Christians are being carried out by Takfiri militants and those
affiliated with the so-called Free Syrian Army.
Nearly three years of foreign-sponsored militancy in Syria has taken its toll on the lives of more than 100,000
people, according to statistics compiled by the United Nations, which also show that millions have been displaced
due to the turmoil.
The UN has repeatedly warned about the humanitarian situation in the country, saying that over nine million
people are in need of urgent aid due to the crisis.
This article was posted: Saturday, November 23, 2013 at 10:41 am
Globalists' swiss army knife for destabilization

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