A New World Order On Trial.
For the first time ever, the secret agenda of the planet’s ruthless Super-class is exposed in
stark detail. This documentary film chronicles how men of power and influence have worked in
stealth for centuries to establish an oppressive world government. Learn how this global
oligarchy controls the populace through drug trafficking, money laundering, staged terror
attacks, media propaganda and debt. The criminal controllers have successfully dominated
the globe and are now in the final phase of consolidating
Invisible Empire: A New World Order
Definedis a damning
indictment of the globalists through their own words and documents. Worldwide tyranny isn’t
coming — it’s here.
This isn’t conspiracy theory, it’s conspiracy fact. The New World Order is out in the open, all
documented in stunning living color. Unelected bureaucrats are establishing regional
unions under one superstate. Witness their plan for a global tax and a cashless
surveillance society in which every man, woman and child is micro-chipped at
Invisible Empire will be more than just a film — it is the culmination of years of
research by Jason Bermas into the inner-workings and most revealing public statements by the
New World Order and the most trusted stewards of their dark vision. Invisible Empire promises to unveil the long-term
agenda for world control, just as Fabled
Enemiesand Loose Change Final
Cut forever stripped away the facade of the official story of 9/11 and exposed the dark
truth that lies behind.
Paul Joseph Watson Prison
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Jason Bermas’ highly anticipated documentary Invisible Empire exposes
the New World Order in their own words, by painstakingly showing how the elite have not only conspired to create a
dictatorial global government in private, but have publicly stated their agenda hundreds of times in
By highlighting the words of people like Paul Wolfowitz, Michael
Mullen, David Cameron, Gordon Brown and many many others, Invisible Empire dispenses with the conjecture and sticks
to the cold hard facts. This movie is guaranteed to wake up even the most ardent skeptic to the manifestly provable
acceleration towards an authoritarian planetary regime that intends to control and regulate every aspect of our
Invisible Empire is all conspiracy and no theory – proving beyond
doubt how the elite have openly conspired to insidiously rule the globe via the engines of the CFR, the United
Nations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg group.
The film traces the lineage of the evolution of global governance
from Samuel Zane Batten’s 1919 manifestoNew
World Order, through to Hitler’s vision of a 1000 year Reich, to the
modern incarnation of the conspiracy which has its roots in the evil deeds of people like George H. W. Bush, David
Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger.
Invisible Empire catalogues the primary criminal enterprises through
which the agenda is financed, operated and advanced – government controlled drug-running, false flag terror,
banking scams, and state sponsored assassination.
The most contemporary branch of the agenda to enforce neo-feudalism
and top-down communitarianism, in total hostility to the notion of true freedom and individuality – the phony
environmentalist movement – which is driven by the global warming fraud, is also blown wide open.
Invisible Empire also delves into the deepest and darkest offshoots
of the wicked plan for global enslavement, including the move towards a microchipped population, prostitution rings
run by and for the elite, as well as the bizarre occult practices power brokers embrace as part of their religion
of power and domination.
Invisible Empire will be more than just a film– it is the culmination
of years of research by Jason Bermas into the inner-workings and most revealing public statements by the New World
Order and the most trusted stewards of their dark vision. Invisible Empire promises to unveil the long-term agenda
for world control, just as Fabled Enemies and Loose Change Final Cut forever stripped away the facade of the
official story of 9/11 and exposed the dark truth that lies behind.

"The globalists create confusion by design so
that people see a smokescreen and can't figure out what's going on and that they hope would just
roll over and give up."
-- Alex Jones, vid: Trump Puppeted By Pro-War Left To
Attack Syria --
Adaptation and
Conformity The Selling Out of Alex Jones/Infowars
Link: Psywars

Under the rubric of Zionism, the dispossession of Palestinians and annexation of
their land has for decades been hidden in plain sight, along with Israeli apartheid and ethnic
cleansing. Though tourism flows in steadily to "The Holy Land," masking these egregious past and
present events from scrutiny, has been and is nothing short of Orwellian. The Zionist state of
Israel is a totalitarian state, whose ideologues' sentiments match those advocating world
government. As Rev. Chuck Baldwin exclaims, "For all intents and purposes, the Globalist agenda
(the New World Order, call it what you will) and the Zionist agenda, are one and the same." The
Trump Jones Deception 2, demonstrates this fact, and the way in which both Donald Trump and Alex
Jones are a part of it.
Uncompressed Version Here:

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Psywars - The Selling Out of Alex