The Vampiric Bloodlines
of the Royal Family

The Prince is calling for the forests, some of the last untouched
wilderness areas in Europe, to be protected before they are lost, like the woodland that once covered
Britain. He claims a family connection to the area through Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia, who
earned the sobriquet Vlad the Impaler thanks
to his favoured method of torture and execution.
They have long been famed for their love of lavish banquets and
rich recipes. But what is less well known is that the British royals also had a taste for human flesh. A new book
on medicinal cannibalism has revealed that possibly as recently as the end of the 18th century British royalty
swallowed parts of the human body. The author adds that this was not a practice reserved for monarchs but was
widespread among the well-to-do in Europe.
MORE: Genocide by The House of Windsor | EUGENICS

Super Wealthy's Genocidal Agenda
Published on Oct 17, 2014
The elite have been planning mass death for decades. The lax and fumbling efforts by the
Puppet Obama Administration reflect their psychopathic philosophy. As average citizens question the lack of common
sense during the Ebola crisis, elites sit back and pump their money into the very infrastructure that created the
crisis in the first place. The United Nation's Members claim to have a humanitarian goal in mind
as they openly serve Luciferian New Age Doctrine.
Learn more:
Now We're Being Told
We Have to Accept Literal
First published at 13:34 UTC on August 17th, 2019.
I can't even...
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Special Report:
Child Sacrifice Goes Mainstream
Lee Ann McAdoo
May 13, 2014
Just when you think occultic imagery couldn’t get more in
your face, a new “science” proves what vampires and satanists have been saying for years; blood from the young is
the secret to eternal life.

What was once reserved for gothic novels is now confirmed by scientists.
They found that “young blood” actually recharges the
brain, forms new blood vessels and and improves memory and learning.
Just how this youthful blood will be acquired, however, remains to be seen.
This article was posted: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 at 10:01 am
Blue bloods: Prince Charles joins campaign to save
Transylvania's forests - because of his family connections to 'Count Dracula'
By Damien Gayle
UPDATED: 11:47 EST, 27 October 2011
Prince Charles is campaigning to save the forests of
Transylvania, inspired by his ancestral links to Vlad the Impaler, the 15th century nobleman better known by his
patronym, Dracula.
Rapid economic growth in Romania - which is now part of the EU - means that the forests of the
Carpathian Mountains are under threat from development and logging.
The Prince is calling for the forests, some of the last untouched wilderness areas in Europe, to be
protected before they are lost, like the woodland that once covered Britain.
He claims a family connection to the area through Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia, who earned the
sobriquet Vlad the Impaler thanks to his favoured method of torture and execution.
The 15th century nobleman, notorious for his bloodthirsty campaigns against the Ottomans and fierce
repression of his people, is a distant ancestor of Charles's great-grandmother, Queen Mary.
The total number of his victims is estimated in the tens of thousands, many killed by being impaled
on huge metal stakes.
His reputation for cruelty is said to have helped inspire Bram Stoker's diabolical villain, Count
In a new documentary about the Carpathian mountains, Charles makes fun of his ancestral links to
'Count Dracula'.
'The genealogy shows I am descended from Vlad the Impaler, so I do have a bit of a stake in the
country,' he quipped.
The Prince has recently bought a five-bedroom house in the village of Zalanpatak, which is said to
have been founded by one of his Transylvanian ancestors.
Charles is expected to use the 150-year-old home as an isolated holiday
retreat, and it will be used as a guesthouse when he is not in residence.
The Prince first visited Transylvania in 1998 and has bought three properties there, including the
Zalanpatak house and a £43-a-night guesthouse in the village of Viscri.
Traditional farming and building techniques used in the area are said to have inspired his plans
for Poundbury, the Dorset village created by his Duchy of Cornwall.
He has since sold a manor near the medieval town of Sighisoara, while the Viscri and Zalanpatak
guesthouses are managed by Count Tibor Kalnoky.
'It seems to me in Transylvania there is a combination of the natural ecosystem with a human
cultural system,' the prince told the documentary, according to the Daily Telegraph.
'This extraordinarily unique integrated relationship is so hugely important. People are yearning
for that sense of belonging and identity and meaning.'
If development goes ahead, Romania could end up barren like swathes of the Highlands of Scotland or
Canada that were once dense with virgin forest, Prince Charles warned.
Two-hundred-and-fifty-thousand hectares of virgin forests are in urgent need of protection,
according to Magor Csibi, country manager of the World Wildlife Fund's Danube-Carpathian programme in Romania.
The area, home to brown bears, lynx, wolves, and 13,000 other species, represents up to 65 per cent
of Europe's remaining virgin forests.

British royalty dined
on human flesh
(but don't worry it was 300 years
By Fiona Macrae
UPDATED: 18:58 EST, 20 May 2011
They have long been famed for their love of
lavish banquets and rich recipes. But what is less well known is that the British royals also had a taste for human
A new book on medicinal cannibalism has revealed that possibly as recently as the end of the 18th
century British royalty swallowed parts of the human body.
The author adds that this was not a practice reserved for monarchs but was widespread among the
well-to-do in Europe.
Even as they denounced the barbaric cannibals
of the New World, they applied, drank, or wore powdered Egyptian mummy, human fat, flesh, bone, blood, brains and
Moss taken from the skulls of dead soldiers was even used as a cure for nosebleeds, according to Dr
Richard Sugg at Durham University.
Dr Sugg said: 'The human body has been widely used as a therapeutic agent with the most popular
treatments involving flesh, bone or blood.
'Cannibalism was found not only in the New World, as often believed, but also in Europe.
'One thing we are rarely taught at school yet is evidenced in literary and historic texts of the
time is this: James I refused corpse medicine; Charles II made his own corpse medicine; and Charles I was made into
corpse medicine.
'Along with Charles II, eminent users or prescribers included Francis I, Elizabeth I's surgeon John
Banister, Elizabeth Grey, Countess of Kent, Robert Boyle, Thomas Willis, William III, and Queen Mary.'

The history of medicinal cannibalism, Dr Sugg
argues, raised a number of important social questions.
He said: 'Medicinal cannibalism used the formidable weight of European science, publishing, trade
networks and educated theory.
'Whilst corpse medicine has sometimes been presented as a medieval therapy, it was at its height
during the social and scientific revolutions of early-modern Britain.
'It survived well into the 18th century, and amongst the poor it lingered stubbornly on into the
time of Queen Victoria.
'Quite apart from the question of cannibalism, the sourcing of body parts now looks highly
unethical to us.
'In the heyday of medicinal cannibalism bodies or bones were routinely taken from Egyptian tombs
and European graveyards. Not only that, but some way into the eighteenth century one of the biggest imports from
Ireland into Britain was human skulls.
'Whether or not all this was worse than the modern black market in human organs is difficult to

The book gives numerous vivid, often
disturbing examples of the practice, ranging from the execution scaffolds of Germany and Scandinavia, through the
courts and laboratories of Italy, France and Britain, to the battlefields of Holland and Ireland and on to the
tribal man-eating of the Americas.
A painting showing the 1649 execution of Charles I showed people mopping up the king's blood with
Dr Sugg said: 'This was used to treat the "king's evil" - a complaint more usually cured by the
touch of living monarchs.
'Over in continental Europe, where the axe fell routinely on the necks of criminals, blood was the
medicine of choice for many epileptics.
'In Denmark the young Hans Christian Andersen saw parents getting their sick child to drink blood
at the scaffold. So popular was this treatment that hangmen routinely had their assistants catch the blood in cups
as it spurted from the necks of dying felons.
'Occasionally a patient might shortcut this system. At one early sixteenth-century execution in
Germany, 'a vagrant grabbed the beheaded body "before it had fallen, and drank the blood from him..".'
The last recorded instance of this practice in Germany fell in 1865.

Whilst James I had refused to take human
skull, his grandson Charles II liked the idea so much that he bought the recipe. Having paid perhaps £6,000 for
this, he often distilled human skull himself in his private laboratory.
Dr Sugg said: 'Accordingly known before long as "the King's Drops", this fluid remedy was used
against epilepsy, convulsions, diseases of the head, and often as an emergency treatment for the dying.
'It was the very first thing which Charles reached for on February 2 1685, at the start of his last
illness, and was administered not only on his deathbed, but on that of Queen Mary in 1698.'
Dr Sugg's research will be featured in a forthcoming Channel 4 documentary with Tony Robinson in
which they reconstruct versions of older cannibalistic medicines with the help of pigs' brains, blood and
The book, called Mummies, Cannibals and Vampires, will be published on June 29 by Routledge and
charts the largely forgotten history of European corpse medicine from the Renaissance to the Victorians.
Man Who Built Georgia Guidestones Calls for
Merger of Man and Machine in Rare Book

The Georgia Guidestones Have Officially
Updated with the Year 2014

Published on Sep 21, 2014
The elite's cryptic
monument to depopulation and world government just became more mysterious (and creepier) – somebody has officially
updated it with an engraved cube marking the year 2014 inserted into the English/Spanish slab of the 'new 10
commandments' for the 'Age of Reason' desired by its creators.
The full GA Guidestones 2014 video at KafkaWinstonWorld on
The GA Guidestones
H/T Shane Bullis for sending us this...
Twitter: @TruthstreamNews
Elite Trying To Become Real Life
Published on Aug 3, 2016
Alex Jones covers the news that Peter Thiel
is into Parabiosis which is taking blood from young people and injecting into the body of a old person to
rejuvenate tissue and eventually live forever. But he looks deeper into
the history of elites around the world and their obsession with blood.
And he reveals who the biggest vampires on the planet really are.


LINK: Depopulation Agenda
Blood Offerings. If there is
one constant in human history, it's the practice of ritual sacrifice. Priests of power within any system, be it
tribal or otherwise, have been in the habit of "satisfying the gods" with some kind of offering placed humbly at
the deity's feet. Without plunging into an endless anthropological exposé, archaeological excavations from Germany
to South-America and ancient Mesopotamia have revealed that such practices were very much commonplace. Just as
commonplace, incidentally, as the clapping-in-irons of free men.
Were the "gods" in the old days still an untouchable outside force, and the priests but mediators communicating
their commands, today the elites have replaced them by their own countenance. But the contrast is superficial.
Regardless of the question who occupies the god-seat at any one time, the offering has remained the same throughout
the ages.
"Let there be floods of the blood of the bourgeois", Vladimir Iljitsj Lenin confided to a Bolshevik newspaper in
1918. " More blood, as much as possible."
It is this quiet, unspoken belief that by bringing about mass-death, the members gain divine powers, their claim to
rule safeguarded. This has nothing to do with the environment. It's the ancient principle of the hunter, acquiring
the life-blood of the hunted projected onto the globe. Now how to accomplish this lethal objective. Well, first
let's answer the who-question. What entity has the ability and capacity to exterminate life on a massive scale? And
who has proven to do so according to the historical record? Asking the question equals answering it. Government, of
Now, what sort of government could exterminate the most amount of people? National or global? Again, there is no
question. And there you have it. But global government, however feverishly it is being pursued, it still only a
means to an end. By accumulating political and economic power, coordinated on a global scale, those in the god-seat
acquire not only sovereign rule over the planet, they can rule with the powers attributed to a god: power over life
and death. And that means: life for them, death for us.
Jurriaan Maessen

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Click the links below to learn more:
The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines & their Mind Control
The Vampiric Bloodlines of the Royal Family
Genocide by The House of Windsor
If I were
the devil
devil Pyramid
Rotting in Memphis
Skull and Bones, The Order at Yale Revealed
Occult In Government