BBC Jody McIntyre interview
Robert LeJeune WNY Truthers
December 16, 2010
While at this rally you spot
an individual seated in a wheelchair in the middle of a street. As he is sitting there in the peaceful act of
defiance, he is approached by Armed Riot Police. The man in the wheelchair appears to not only be disabled, but
also seems to be very unable to defend himself and he is unarmed as well. Once they descend on him you witness our
Civil servants yank this man from the wheelchair and drag him to the side of the street to arrest him.
He is further degraded by being dragged helplessly in full public view while
little is done by anyone to try and defend this man! Not but a few indirect shouts to stop and no action to prevent
this obvious abuse of authority!
Unheard of, Not in America you say?
Well, actually you are right, it was not in America. It was in London and it was
conducted by their civil servants the Metro Police during a peaceful demonstration against tuition hikes. But in
reality, it could just have as well happened at any protest here in AmeriKa!
BBC interview wheelchair user and cerebal
palsy sufferer Jody McIntryre after he was dragged from his wheelchair by police on two seperate occasions at the
anti-tuition fees protest on the 9th December 2010 in London. The presenter is Ben Brown. I apologise for some
glitches in the video, this is because of a bad signal and dodgy aerial cable.
If you wish to complain about the conduct of the presenter the BBC complaints form is here http://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints/ This was shown on the 8 o'clock news on BBC News
channel on the 13th December. BBC response: http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/theeditors...
You can also complain to Ofcom at https://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/tel...
This is the 2nd incident. (No video of the 1st available.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUHzSQ...
Also read Jody's own account on his blog at http://jodymcintyre.wordpress.com/201...
Interview on Sky news is here: http://is.gd/iI2rY (2nd video on the page.)
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Menacin...
Jody McIntyre fan page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jody-Mc...
Petition asking the BBC for an apology: http://www.gopetition.com/petition/41...
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