1. To divide (a country, territory, etc.) into small,
quarrelsome, ineffectual states.
2. To divide (groups, areas, etc.) into
contending and usually ineffectual faction: a movement to balkanize minority
A divide and conquer strategy, also
known as “divide and rule strategy” is often applied in the arenas of politics
and sociology. In this strategy, one power breaks another power into smaller, more manageable pieces, and then
takes control of those pieces one by one. It generally takes a very strong power to implement such a strategy. In
order to successfully break up another power or government, the conqueror must have access to strong political,
military, and economic machines.
Furthermore, in order to maintain power
and influence, large governments will often work to keep smaller powers and governments from uniting. In fact,
this use of the principles within the divide and conquer strategy is most common. It is much easier to prevent
small powers from linking forces than to break them apart once they have aligned.
Leaders who use a divide and conquer
strategy may encourage or foster feuds between smaller powers. This kind of political maneuvering requires a
great understanding of the people who are being manipulated. In order to foster feuds, for example, one must
understand the political and social histories of the parties intended to take part in the feuds. -
Irish Man Demands Reparations For
Published on Nov 24, 2014
As the powder keg in Ferguson convulses with
racist anarchy, let’s take a deep breath and look into our hidden American history. And with these revelations,
unchain ourselves from the mind control manipulating the way we see ourselves and each other. During the 17th
century until the 19th Century, hundreds of thousands of human cargo of men, women, and children were transported
on British ships destined for the Americas. These people were subjected to horrific cruelty, some burned alive or
beheaded to serve as examples. From 1641 to 1652 the British killed 5000,000 of them while selling 300,000 of them
into slavery. In the 1650’s More than 100,000 children between the ages of 10 to 14 were ripped from their parents
and sold as slaves into the West Indies,Virginia, and Barbados. 1,302 slaves were dumped overboard into the
Atlantic Ocean so that the Ship’s company would have enough food to eat. Once reaching the New World they were
manacled, beaten, and whipped on a regular basis. But these slaves weren’t from Africa, these forgotten souls were
from Ireland.
The UN is pushing restrictions for gun
ownership in America in the name of the Ferguson riots. What follows is a culmination of current events cooled by
the wisdom of Dr. Martin Luther King. Please be aware that we are well aware of white, hispanic, asian, etc….
racism here at Infowars. This report is not intended to be a one sided attack on Americans of African descent. It
is simply an eye opening representation of where we are now and where we may be headed. We are all in this trillion
dollar indebted boat together. The powers that be want it sunk. Don’t be fooled into giving in to hatred. Because
if you do, you are gonna HATE where we all end up. Please open your mind and eyes and realize that a greater threat
than skin color is moving its agenda forward to completely enslave all of humanity. The new world order is an equal
opportunity genocidal system.
As we head into the regular NFL and NBA season don't be surprised when multi million dollar
athletes start opening their uniformed mouths in an attempt to sway the national conversation towards division.Case
in point, 49ers Quarterback Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the national anthem later explaining "“I am not
going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color. To me,
this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the
street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”
First of all, that was a statement of division. America is under a fierce attack by globalism. If
we don't stand strong as United citizens that anthem Kaepernick refuses to acknowledge may not eventually even
exist under Obama's Transfer Pacific Partnership. Yes, we have an epidemic of bad cops getting away with murder.
But this doesn't mean all cops are guilty and it certainly doesn't mean the rest of America is either. It means our
justice system is corrupt. Shouldn't the movement be renamed bad cops matter?
And that brings me to the second point. When anyone with celebrity status supports Black Lives
Matter. They are knowingly or blindly supporting George Soros, a self described megalomaniac hell bent on using his
status as a foreign billionaire to divide the United States.Soros once wrote "I fancied myself as some kind of god
... "If truth be known, I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had
to control, otherwise they might get me in trouble."
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The Mysterious Sponsor Behind The Ferguson Protests And
Media Campaign: George Soros Soros-funded group helped make ubiquitous the "hands up, don't shoot"
by Zero Hedge | January 18, 2015
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In an apparent effort to “keep the media’s attention on the city and to
widen the scope of the incident to focus on interrelated causes — not just the overpolicing and racial
discrimination narratives that were highlighted by the news media in August,” liberal billionaire George Soros
donated $33million to social justice organizations which helped turn events in
Ferguson from a local protest into a national flashpoint.
As The Washington Times explains,
There’s a solitary man at the financial center of the Ferguson protest movement. No, it’s not victim
Michael Brown or Officer Darren Wilson. It’s not even the Rev. Al Sharpton, despite his ubiquitous
campaign on TV and the streets.
Rather, it’s liberal billionaire George Soros, who has built a business empire that dominates across the ocean
in Europe while forging a political machine powered by nonprofit foundations that impacts American politics and
policy, not unlike what he did with MoveOn.org.
Mr. Soros spurred the Ferguson protest movement through years of funding and mobilizing groups across
the U.S., according to interviews with key players and financial records reviewed by The Washington Times. (Article
Continues Below)
The handouts, as The Daily Mail reports, revealed in tax filings from Soros’s private foundation,
were given to dozens of different groups which weighed in on the crisis.
Organizers from professional groups in Washington, D.C., and New York were bussed into the Missouri town
to co-ordinate messaging and lobby to news media to cover events using the billionaire’s
The cash was reportedly funneled into keeping up numbers of protesters in the community over a period of months
by bringing in outside activists.
Meanwhile papers from think tanks were disseminated to bring in extra coverage of the civil
unrest, also linked to the police killings of Eric Garner in Staten Island and Tamir Rice, 12, in
Cleveland, Ohio.
The slew of organizations reportedly created their own online ‘echo chamber’, by using their
extensive social media presences to ‘like’, repost and comment on articles putting across their point of view.
The director of Soros’s fund said that they have no direct control over the groups they give to, and said they
are all trying to improve accountability. He told the Washington Times:
“Helping groups combine policy, research [and] data collection with community organizing feels very much
the way our society becomes more accountable.
The incidents, whether in Staten Island, Cleveland or Ferguson, were spontaneous protests – we don’t have the
ability to control or dictate what others say or choose to say.”
The Soros cash was also put to work driving buzzwords and social media campaigns to propel
Ferguson into the national consciousness.
One recipient of his funding is the Organization for Black Struggle, which in turned established a group called
the Hands Up Coalition, that has helped make ubiquitous the “hands up, don’t shoot”
Soros also gave money to the Drug Policy Alliance, which worked on the perpetuation of the ‘black lives
matter’ buzz phrase, which has been incorporated into speeches by political figures including Hillary
* * *
New World Order?
Nazi Collaborator Funds Police Hate
Obama Behind Baltimore Stand Down So Soros Anarchist Could
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‘Hating Whitey’: Arizona State stirs pot teaching ‘the
problem of whiteness’ class
College students in Arizona can now take a class on “Hating
by Tom Tillison | BizPac Review | January 25, 2015
In a sign that America’s institutions of higher learning
may be lost forever to the radical left, college students in Arizona can now take a class on “Hating
In line with the extreme academic discipline called critical race theory, which is prevalent on campuses across
America, Arizona State University is now offering a course on “the problem of
whiteness,” according to Campus Reform.
Critical race theory is a belief that relies heavily on the myth of institutional racism, the opinion that
racism is inherent in America, brought on by white privilege and white supremacy.
And if that’s not bad enough, the class — ENG 401: “Studies in American Literature/Culture: U.S. Race Theory
& the Problem of Whiteness” — is being taught by a white man.
Leave it to a white academic elitist, beset with “white guilt” no doubt, to corrupt the minds of young Americans
with a theory driven by identity politics that has little basis in reality.
Campus Reform correspondent Lauren Clark, a student at Arizona State, joined Elisabeth Hasselbeck this week on
“Fox and Friends,” and talked about the books associated with the course.
“All of the books have a disturbing trend, and that’s pointing to all white people as the root cause of social
injustices for this country,” Clark said.
Watch the full exchange here via Fox News:
White Guilt Is BS
Published on Jul 11, 2015
MTV the youth division of the government propaganda arm of
the military intelligence industrial complex. MTV, The very same network responsible for the transformation of a
once flourishing free market of creative artists into a homogenized corporate illuminati parade of talentless
drivel. Will Unleash its divide and conquer documentary based on white guilt later this month.
Jose Antonio Vargas appears to be regurgitating the work of Brown eyed blue eyed white guilt founder Jane
Elliot. In 2009, Corina Knoll of The LA Times reported that soon after Elliot became a controversial figure, she
left her meager teaching job to rake in an average of $7000 per lecture from companies, colleges and governmental
The real numbers of crime statistics have steadily dropped according to FBI statistics, but the government
brainwashing bureaucracy would have you believe the opposite. So it goes for the poll numbers and obvious
disintegration of racism in America. Now a generation, decades removed from the rampant racism of the 1950s is
expected to feel guilt for a past most people their age can't even coherently explain.
Rather than accept that government is the real progenitor of privilege. Whether it's the prison industrial
complex where almost 90 percent of 1 in 9 American black males are incarcerated for victimless, usually petty drug
charges and forced into corporate slavery. Or the massive crack infusion into black neighborhoods by the CIA, drug
cartels,and big banks. Or simply the millions of taxpayer dollars used to show recent Presidents and their First
Ladies a “good time”. Those in power know true privilege.
Americans are supposed to believe that some snot nosed 20 something mixed heritage white kid, who probably comes
from a middle class family with struggles no different than the mixed heritage black kid he is supposed to have
some upper hand on is the evil mastermind behind a system meant to keep other mixed heritage people down, based on
skin color? Here's a newsflash Washington, racism is dead or at least its been dying its natural last breath for
nearly a couple of decades amongst the common people of America. Sure, Its alive and well within the militarized
police in the downtrodden cities segregated by government policies. Alive and well in the rhetoric of the
mainstream news media. Alive and well in White House talking points.
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Was Attack on Mother and Toddler part of Racist Knockout
Published on Jun 27, 2015
Why is there a Double Standard when it comes to coverage of Racial Attacks by
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Epic Race War Fail
Published on Mar 18, 2015
Outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder’s
transparent statement echoes the intent of European Billionaire George Soros’ attempt to divide and conquer
America’s diverse populace with his OpenSociety organization. Soros reportedly gave at least $33 million in one
year to a range of activist groups within the United States. And he has been funding his Open Society movement
since the early nineties. Black Lives Matter was completely clueless when Planned Parenthood ironically joined
their movement. Planned Parenthood, funded by billionaire eugenicists…Bill Gates,George Soros and The Rockefeller
Foundation. Championed by Margaret Sanger, a woman responsible for the death of countless black lives. Now Billion
dollar Starbucks is throwing their money at Race Relations. While leftist media figures rush to defend Black Lives
Matter Protester and Ferguson Cop Shooter, Jeffrey Williams. Meanwhile,home prices and the overall economy of
Ferguson plummets. Jon Bowne reports on the ongoing mass psyop.
The Original Series
entitledDay of the Dove is an allegory to the New World Order and itsdivide and conquer tactics, including the use of false
flag operations as a synthetic catalyst for armed conflict to the benefit of the
An episode of Star Trek: The Original Series entitled
Day of the Dove is an allegory to the New World Order and its divide and conquer tactics, including
the use of false flag operations as a synthetic catalyst for armed conflict to the benefit of the elite.