" Look Into It - Psywars Part 6




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If you have arrived here from the internet to this page first, please start with the article at the top of page one.

More Detail:

For anyone interested or curious about these Alex Jones/Infowars video uploads, they are being placed online for a few reasons. Firstly, these videos were all once Adobe Flash files embedded on my website with an article, Adaptation & Conformity—The Selling Out of Alex Jones/Infowars. Now that Flash has been discontinued, these videos needed to be uploaded. I regret doing this because isolating them from the article could cause potential confusion as to whether or not I am supporting Jones' remarks. The images within each video serve to make it clear; however, to understand the proper context, I highly recommend you read the article, Adaptation & Conformity—The Selling Out of Alex Jones/Infowars.

In the article, I point out several inexcusable things Jones has done to substantiate the title; his flip flopping on foreign policy issues which essentially supported direct and indirect murders by Donald Trump; his rank hypocrisy in doing the same things for which he has publicly called for others to be arrested; his dividing Americans with left vs right politics after having exposed the two party system as a false paradigm and a means of balkanizing true resistance to despotism; his twisted support for the apartheid state of Israel and its ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people; his bigoted statements about Muslims; his turning a blind eye to the greatest humanitarian crisis in the world, as Donald Trump sold Saudi Arabia weapons to aid in their war of genocide against the Yemeni people; his habitual practice of yellow journalism, to the point that he publicly ranted and declared without proof that the US was getting ready to nuke China; and on another occasion of his fear inducing sensationalism, he titled a broadcast and sported a thumbnail image that nukes were dropped to reveal later that it was only a simulation. These are just a few of his condemnable actions covered in the presentation. If there were not video evidence of all this, the average person would not believe it, which is the second reason why these videos are being uploaded and the article highlighted.

Thirdly, and the biggest reason for bringing this all back out, is to show the affect the media has on the public, as it relates to the statements an individual made to Jones back in 2011. Adaptation & Conformity—The Selling Out of Alex Jones/Infowars, centers around a banker that Jones met in 2011, who talked to him for three hours on a plane, making the endeavor to bring about world order alluring. He felt that the global elite have already won because of how malleable the public is in conforming to their machinations. Quote, "They [the public] will adapt to whatever we do. Don't you understand not all adaptation is good?...We win, you lose...They'll muddle through everything and there's no way out of it." Unfortunately, the banker's words are painfully accurate, having just seen the entire world go along with the Covid-19 scamdemic (the biggest fraud ever perpetrated) facilitated by the media. Thus, I am confident in saying that this article is more relevant now than when it was first written in 2019. For it demonstrates a reality many might find harsh but need to be reminded of when receiving news from their favorite venue—namely, the voices you trust as truth right now may not be; and even if they are today, they may not remain so tomorrow.

Therefore, get informed by reading, Adaptation & Conformity—The Selling Out of Alex Jones/Infowars. I encourage you to share it with a link to the presentation, and to be proactive in opposing the unscrupulous practices (psywarfare) done by the media (mainstream and alternative) by holding them accountable or withdrawing your support or both.

Read the article here:





Pentagon Crooks Directed to Create Space Force


44. The Pentagon’s Missing Trillion: What You Need to Know. Published on YouTube: Corbett Report Extras Channel, Dec 18, 2018.


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"...True, the United States does enjoy the “benefit” of appearing supremely powerful, but this is only a cruel joke. When the Network is satisfied that all major obstacles to its unelected rule have been removed, it will be a simple matter to destroy the US dollar, “justifiably” cut off the flow of money and credit to the United States, and create the political incentive (necessity) for the United States to fully enter the new global system..."

-- Joe Plummer, Tragedy & Hope 101 Chapter 3 The Network “Recovers” America

LINK:  General Summary/Crash Course




The Pentagon's Missing Trillions: What You Need to Know


Corbett Report Extras
Published on Dec 18, 2018

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=29538

Dr. Mark Skidmore of Michigan State University joins us to discuss his research with Catherine Austin Fitts into the $21 trillion in unaccounted transactions on the books of the US Department of Defence and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. We discuss what we know and don't know about the subject, the Pentagon's nonsensical and inadequate excuses for the debacle, the new accounting guideline that legally allows every department of the federal government to create fake and altered books for public consumption, the recent failed Pentagon audit, the government's refusal to provide any information about the problem, the failure of congress to pursue the issue, and the failure of the press to report on it. 


Astronomic MIC Propaganda & Waste


45. Learn The Secrets Of Trump 's "Space Force" Published on YouTube: The Alex Jones Channel, Jun 18, 2018.



Some Background

prison planet presents
Dr. Bob Bowman - Star Wars Scientist

Charles Ewing Smith
Published on Jan 18, 2018

One of the greatest and bravest men we have seen. Rest in Peace!
Robert M. Bowman (September 19, 1934 - August 22, 2013) was a former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development for the U.S. Air Force in the Ford and Carter administrations, and a former United States Air Force Lieutenant Colonel with 101 combat missions. He received a Ph.D. in aeronautics and nuclear engineering from the California Institute of Technology.
Despite his involvement with space programs and defense, Bowman emerged as an early public critic of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI, aka "Star Wars") during the Ronald Reagan administration. On The MacNeil-Lehrer NewsHour, he called it "the ultimate military lunacy, easily overwhelmed and vulnerable". Bowman founded the Institute for Space and Security Studies and its publication Space & Security News (1983) (ISSN 1071-2569). He also authored two books on the subject of SDI and was a critic of an outgrowth of the SDI program, the George W. Bush administration's proposed National Missile Defense.

For several years Bowman was active with Veterans for Peace and Vietnam Veterans Against the War as a speaker. He had also been a member of the Peace Commission of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington.

How $21 Trillion in U.S. Tax Money Disappeared. “Full Scope Audit” of the Pentagon

Perhaps the most visible company to reap the Space Force gains, Lockheed Martin’s (NYSE:LMT) primarily serves the U.S. government with NASA and the Department of Defense as clients. Everything from satellites, rocket launching, and ground systems fall under its expertise. There is no question that Lockheed is the best-positioned firm to directly gain from the soon-to-be created Space Force.





WAR ROOM - Secrets Behind Trump's SPACEFORCE

Ron Gibson
Published on Jun 22, 2018

online pdf here


"The new profession of public relations has grown up because of the increasing complexity of modern life and the consequent necessity for making the actions of one part of the public understandable to other sectors of the public. It is due, too, to the increasing dependence of organized power of all sorts upon public opinion. Governments, whether they are monarchical, constitutional, democratic or communist, depend upon acquiescent public opinion for the success of their efforts and, in fact, government is government only by virtue of public acquiescence. (Cont. last column)

Space Farce


Rob Dew (Vid Left) wants you to believe that Donald Trump (who is presently a participant in genocide and crimes against humanity) is creating a space force to benefit humanity?!  In addition, Dew speaking of Bob Bowman doesn’t do his propaganda any favors, because it exposes the 180 Infowars has done in cheerleading this despite Bowman's stark warning.  Please watch the Bowman interview above that Infowars produced nearly a decade ago, and see for yourself the spin job and PR it engages in now to legitimize this "military lunacy".

"When humanity is on a thousand worlds, they will be statues of Donald John Trump on those planets...The next step is not interplanetary, not intersteller, not even intergalactic, but interdimension!" 
Alex Jones, video: Learn The Secrets Of Trump's "Space Force"




Learn The Secrets Of Trump 's "Space Force"

The Alex Jones Channel
Streamed live on Jun 18, 2018

online pdf here


Industries, public utilities, educational movements, indeed all groups representing any concept or product, whether they are majority or minority ideas, succeed only because of approving public opinion. Public opinion is the unacknowledged partner in all broad efforts. The public relations counsel, then, is the agent who, working with modern media of communications and the group formations of society, brings an idea to the consciousness of the public."
p. 63 of Edward Bernays, Propaganda - The Public Mind In The Making

Lockheed Martin Exposed In Yemen & Facebook Targets TeleSUR

Watching the Hawks RT
Published on Aug 14, 2018

Bomb fragments from the recent US-Saudi coalition airstrike on a school bus in Yemen has been traced back to Lockheed Martin. Apparently, millennials are killing mayonnaise. TeleSUR is the latest independent media outlet to face censorship from Facebook. Investigate journalist Ethan Guttman discusses his research into China's organ harvesting. And NASA's going to the sun... [773]

Lockheed Martin Are
F*cking Idiots
- #PropagandaWatch -

Published on Oct 2, 2018

SHOW NOTES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=28329

The good folks at Lockheed Martin kindly invited you to submit your photos of their wonderful products . . . until they realized that wasn't such a good idea. Because they're blithering idiots. Don't be afraid to laugh at them.

Lockheed Martin Responds To President's Executive Order For Space Force

CBS Denver
Published on Jun 18, 2018

A potential new military branch could have a big impact on Colorado's aerospace industry.


TalkingStickTV - William Hartung
- Prophets of War -

Published on Feb 25, 2011

Interview with William Hartung, Director of the Arms & Security Initiative at the New America Foundation and author of "Prophets of War: Lockheed Martin and the Making of the Military-Industrial Complex".




Pirate TV- William Hartung
- An Expose of Lockheed Martin -

Published on Oct 30, 2012

Pirate TV- William Hartung- An Expose of Lockheed Martin



Trump’s space force Smoke and mirrors or a step towards war in space?
 by William D. Hartung, 26 Sept 2018 Link
Trump's Space Force: To Boldly Go... Nowhere!
 by William D. Hartung, Sept 25, 2018 Link

LINKS: Propaganda History , MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX , Propagandizing Through Games



The Final Frontier? Trump's Pricey Plan For A New Space Force

Streamed live on Jun 19, 2018

President Trump surprised his audience yesterday by announcing he would create a new "separate but equal" branch of the military to "dominate" space. Will Congress go along? Where will the money come from? Where's the threat?



Trump is Expanding the US Empire

Empire Files
Published on Jan 11, 2019

Keep Empire Files independent and ad-free: https://www.patreon.com/empirefiles

In the first installment of this multi-part series, Trump Expanding the Empire, Abby Martin debunks the notion that Trump is an anti-interventionist president, outlining his first two years of aggressive foreign policy that has expanded US wars and occupations. From the biggest military budget in history, to removing its restrictions to “bomb the hell out of” Iraq and Syria, to ramping-up brutal economic sanctions, to becoming America's 'Arms Salesman-In-Chief.'

Transcript & Links: https://bit.ly/2CiAI9G

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Visit USADebtClock.com to learn more!

Pentagon waste on booze and lobster revealed

RT America
Published on Mar 19, 2019

Rick Sanchez breaks down the Pentagon putting your tax dollars to work: Lobster, crab, alcohol, golf carts, tubas and trombones – the list goes on! Then constitutional attorney and president of the Rutherford Institute (www.rutherford.org) John Whitehead joins to weigh in on the colossal waste of tax money that the US “defense” budget represents and which puts the country ever deeper in debt.


Click Image

Link: General Summary/Crash Course

 “In the real executive power structure, the president serves the military industrial complex, itself owned by
the international bankers...”

-- Alex Jones...before he soldout --






46. Arrest Angelina Jolie For War Crimes Kony 2012. Published on YouTube: greatnessurvives Channel, Aug 21, 2012.



greatnessurvives Published on Aug 21, 2012

KONY 2012 - Arrest ANGELINA JOLIE For WAR CRIMES says ALEX JONES (#Kony2012) Angelia Jolie openly works for the UN and CFR pushing globalist wars under the cover of humanitarian intervention. Drunk on the blood of Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and scores of other nations Jolie is now pushing military invasion to "help" Africa. She and her masters know full well that they are carrying out destabilization operations in the 3rd world so population can be reduced and resources stolen. We need to call a spade a spade, this is part of a new branding rollout to launch a AFRICOM take over of Africa. This constitutes a crime against humanity and Jolie is a party to it and needs to be arrested along with other globalist that are using left cover to widen globalist empire. The problem is you can't go to the UN because it is at the center of the corporate global government takeover, the people are asleep and wars are being launched against innocents in the name of a bleeding heat liberal agenda. THEY COME IN PEACE!









In 2009, less than two months after Barack Obama was inaugurated as president, Alex Jones/Infowars released a documentary (The Obama Deception) exposing him as a mask used by the corrupt power elite to instigate and provide cover to their machinations. Central to this presentation was the “real” executive power structure. “…The president serves the military industrial complex, itself owned by the international bankers.” However, in 2017, though Donald Trump was a puppet like his predecessor, Alex Jones promoted him as a maverick outside of this systemic corruption that has plagued America since Dwight D. Eisenhower coined the phrase, “Military Industrial Complex.” Using the war in Yemen—which has produced the greatest humanitarian crisis on earth—as a case example, The Trump Jones Deception shows how both men were yet another mask of deceit worn by the corrupt establishment.





WAR IS A RACKET! — Major General Smedley D. Butler

In 2009, less than two months after Barack Obama was inaugurated as president, Alex Jones/Infowars released a documentary (The Obama Deception) exposing him as a mask used by the corrupt power elite to instigate and provide cover to their machinations. Central to this presentation was the “real” executive power structure. “…The president serves the military industrial complex, itself owned by the international bankers.” However, in 2017, though Donald Trump was a puppet like his predecessor, Alex Jones promoted him as a maverick outside of this systemic corruption that has plagued America since Dwight D. Eisenhower coined the phrase, “Military Industrial Complex.” Using the war in Yemen—which has produced the greatest humanitarian crisis on earth—as a case example, The Trump Jones Deception shows how both men were yet another mask of deceit worn by the corrupt establishment. 


Website Features:











Under the rubric of Zionism, the dispossession of Palestinians and annexation of their land has for decades been hidden in plain sight, along with Israeli apartheid and ethnic cleansing. Though tourism flows in steadily to "The Holy Land," masking these egregious past and present events from scrutiny, has been and is nothing short of Orwellian. The Zionist state of Israel is a totalitarian state, whose ideologues' sentiments match those advocating world government. As Rev. Chuck Baldwin exclaims, "For all intents and purposes, the Globalist agenda (the New World Order, call it what you will) and the Zionist agenda, are one and the same." The Trump Jones Deception 2, demonstrates this fact, and the way in which both Donald Trump and Alex Jones are a part of it.


Uncompressed Version Here:




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