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War Has Been A Racket For Quite Some Time...

The Best Enemies
Money Can Buy

An Interview with Professor Antony C. Sutton




The business of lending blood money is one of the most thoroughly sordid, cold blooded, and criminal acts that were ever carried on, to any considerable extent, amongst human beings. It is like lending money to slave traders, or to common robbers and pirates, to be repaid out of their plunder. And theman who loans money to governments, so called, for the purpose of enabling the latter to rob, enslave and murder their own people, are among the greatest villains that the world has ever seen.

With mountains of documentation, mostly from government and corporate sources, Sutton shows that Soviet military technology is heavily dependent on U.S. and allied gifts, "peaceful trade" and exchange programs. We've built for, sold, traded, or given outright to the Communists everything from copper wiring and military trucks to tank technology, missile guidance technology, and computers - even the Space Shuttle.

Background on Professor Antony C. Sutton

Antony C. Sutton — Feb. 14, 1925 - June 17, 2002 Antony Sutton has been persecuted but never prosecuted for his research and subsequent publishing of his findings. His mainstream career was shattered by his devotion towards uncovering the truth. In 1968, his Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development was published by The Hoover Institute at Stanford University. Sutton showed how the Soviet state's technological and manufacturing base, which was then engaged in supplying the North Vietnamese the armaments and supplies to kill and wound American soldiers, was built by US firms and mostly paid for by the US taxpayers. From their largest steel and iron plant, to automobile manufacturing equipment, to precision ball-bearings and computers, basically the majority of the Soviet's large industrial enterprises had been built with the United States help or technical assistance.

Professor Richard Pipes of Harvard said in his book, Survival Is Not Enough: Soviet Realities and America's Future (Simon & Schuster;1984): "In his three-volume detailed account of Soviet Purchases of Western Equipment and Technology . . . [Antony] Sutton comes to conclusions that are uncomfortable for many businessmen and economists. For this reason his work tends to be either dismissed out of hand as 'extreme' or, more often, simply ignored."

The report was too much and Sutton's career as a well-paid member of the academic establishment was under attack and he was told that he "would not survive".

His work led him to more questions than answers. "Why had the US built-up it's enemy? Why did the US build-up the Soviet Union, while we also transferred technology to Hitler's Germany? Why does Washington want to conceal these facts?"

Sutton, following his leads, proceeded to research and write his three outstanding books on Wall Street, FDR, the Rise of Hitler, and The Bolshevik Revolution. Then, someone sent Antony a membership list of Skull and Bones and "a picture jumped out". And what a picture! A multigenerational foreign-based secret society with fingers in all kinds of pies and roots going back to 'Illuminati' influences in 1830's Germany.








Criminal governments armed Isis/Al-qaeda with weapons, including estimated 20,000 missiles to steal, kill, and to destroy for a New World Order.


LINKS: BENGHAZIGATE , C.I.A. , N.W.O. , ISIS/ALQAEDA , Obama Now Global Head of Alqaeda! , Troops Protect Government Drug Dealing , U.S. Military Killing Its Own Troops! , MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX , FALSE LEFT/RIGHT PARADIGM , BANKS RULE THE WORLD , The Federal Reserve , The Obama Deception , Road to World Government , Don't Trust Mainstream Media , Seal Team 6 Was Executed , Total Despotism in America , The Fake War On Terror , The United Nations , False Flag Event , NATO







The Greatest Generation: Sacrificed for the Bankers

D-Day propaganda allows the state to glorify unjustifiable
wars and carnage


by Kurt Nimmo | Infowars.com | June 6, 2014

Obama traveled to France and read from a teleprompter at Omaha Beach where over 9,000 Americans died. Obama said “blood soaked the water (and) bombs broke the sky.” Later he accompanied France’s socialist president, Francois Hollande, as a wreath was placed at a colonnade near thousands of stone crosses on the graves of the fallen.

June 6 in the 70th anniversary of D-Day. The media is out in full force and world leaders in full regalia as parachute drops are recreated, fireworks are displayed, and the IMAX film “D-Day Normandy 1944,” narrated by Tom Brokaw, is screened.



Over 60 million people, or 2.5% of the world population, were killed during the Second World War. Responsibility for the staggering loss of life and property is uniformly placed on Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Excluded from the official history is the fact Hitler and the National Socialists would not have risen to power without the help of international bankers and American and German corporations.

MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXProfessor Antony C. Sutton’s Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler documents how key Wall Street financiers and other international bankers subsidized Hitler and the Nazis. Sutton documents how J.P. Morgan, T. W. Lamont, the Rockefeller interests, General Electric Company, Standard Oil, National City Bank, Chase and Manhattan banks, Kuhn, Loeb and Company, and dozens of other business interests supported and subsidized Hitler and the Nazis.

“American companies associated with the Morgan-Rockefeller international investment bankers,” Sutton writes, “were intimately related to the growth of Nazi industry.” General Motors, Ford, General Electric, DuPont and “the handful of U.S. companies intimately involved with the development of Nazi Germany were — except for the Ford Motor Company — controlled by the Wall Street elite — the J.P. Morgan firm, the Rockefeller Chase Bank and to a lesser extent the Warburg Manhattan bank.”

The late Senator Prescott Bush, the grandfather of former president George W. Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies profiting from the Nazi war machine and its destruction of Europe. In 2004 The Guardian newspaper “obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism,” write Ben Aris in Berlin and Duncan Campbell. “Remarkably, little of Bush’s dealings with Germany has received public scrutiny, partly because of the secret status of the documentation involving him.”

Remarkable or not, much of the information linking the bankers and corporations to the Nazis is ignored by the corporate media and academia. Instead of unvarnished truth – Hitler was funded by Wall Street and a clique of international bankers profited from unprecedented mass murder – we are fed a diet half truth and outright lies and fabrication about the second deadliest war in history (the first being Muslim conquest of the Indian subcontinent more than five hundred years ago).


Antony C. Sutton: NWO Wall Street financed Nazis
1920s+30s & Communist Russian Revolution 1917



"The fact that governments lie is generally accepted today, but World War I was the first global conflict in which millions of young men were sacrificed for hidden causes. They did not die to save civilization; they were killed for profit and in the hopes of establishing a one-world government."

- Jim Macgregor, Gerry Docherty -
Prolonging the Agony:
How The Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended WWI by
Three-and-a-Half Year

Watch All Three Videos & More Here: General Summary/Crash Course





Prescott Bush - How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to Power



Martial Law Rise of The Police State

Skull and Bones, The Order at Yale Revealed








Eisenhower Farewell Address

President Dwight Eisenhower's Farewell Address to the nation January 17, 1961






Counter Intelligence, Part V

- Drone Nation -


America's Drone Wars

 We Have to Talk

About the Boy in the Ambulance...

Published on Jul 7, 2013
Source: http://metanoia-films.org

Shining a Light on Black Operations

Part 5: Drone Nation
After President Obama signed the 2011 NDAA, the US government is allowed to kidnap and detain its own citizens without any warning or notification. A simple accusation of "terrorism" is all that is needed to murder innocents with drones from command centers thousands of miles away. Whatever your opinion of Anwar al Awlaki, his 2011 murder by drone strike, and subsequent lack of outrage, sets a dangerous precedent for Americans' liberty and security from its own government.



"Unmanned" investigates the impact of U.S. drone strikes at home and abroad, observing their effect on the War on Terror, the lives of individuals, and U.S. foreign policy.




I wasn't going to, but then I saw the CNN anchor pretend to cry...

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Heartbreaking Video Footage from Syria

End Times News Report
Published on Sep 26, 2017

This moving video footage from Syria is haunting. All patriotic Americans must know what our government is doing in the Middle East. PLEASE SHARE! Crowd funding keeps this channel alive! Please support my work:


Killing For Peace? More Civilian Deaths Now Than Under Obama


Streamed live 5 hours ago

Changing rules of engagement, increased bombing runs, and granting field officers more authority to call in drone strikes has resulted in far more civilian casualties in the ongoing US wars in Afghanistan and the Middle East. Will this acceleration lead to quicker victory? Or is it planting the seeds for yet more expansion of the war?


President Trump To Unleash The CIA Drones

According to recent media reports, President Trump is planning to lift the restrictions on the CIA's use of drones worldwide. Will this new "counterterrorism" strategy create more terrorists than it kills?

Monitoring and assessing civilian casualties from international airstrikes in Iraq, Syria and Libya. Seeking transparency and accountability from belligerents, and advocating on behalf of affected civilians. Archiving open-source reports, and military claims by nations.


The US Gov’t Killed More Civilians This Month Than All Terrorist Attacks in Europe Over the Last 12 Years

In the last 12 years, terrorist attacks in Europe have killed 459 civilians. The U.S. killed at least 472 civilians in Syria, just in the last month.






Assassination Program

Yes Your Government Can Use Armed Drones Against You











Doug Haig & the Military Industrial Complex
- Las Vegas Shooting - Part 84

Blackstone Intelligence Network
Published on Jan 31, 2018

Douglas Haig is a lifelong military industry contractor with top secret clearances. Learn about this Las Vegas Shooting person of interest and his connections to the military industrial complex.

Crowd funding makes my investigations possible!

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Bombs Away!
US Airstrikes Every 12 Minutes?

Streamed live on Jun 21, 2018

The number of US airstrikes overseas has skyrocketed under President Trump, reaching an average of one every 12 minutes. And we're not even officially at war! Who is being killed by these airstrikes? Who's being separated from their parents (permanently) by these airstrikes? Why does it seem no one wants to talk about it?

We Have 1,000 Bases In 80 Countries. Do You Feel Safer?

Streamed live on Feb 1, 2018

The global reach of the US military is vast, covering most of the globe with a permanent presence. Is this vast empire keeping us safe? Or is it provoking anger against the United States? Are bases resented overseas?








Another Flip-Flop: Trump Approves Lethal Arms To Ukraine

Streamed live on Dec 21, 2017


Candidate Trump was skeptical over claims of a Russian invasion of Ukraine and was confident he could work it out without escalation of tension. Just yesterday, however, he did something that even Obama did not do: approved some US weapons sales to Ukraine. Will neocons be satisfied? Or will they push for more?


Ron Paul:
Why Christian Zionists Love War

Published on Sep 12, 2015

Ron Paul, the former United States presidential candidate and Republican House of Representatives member from Texas, discussed in an August 8 radio interview evangelical Zionists who support the US government’s wars overseas. Paul examines the matter with Patriot’s Lament show host Joshua Bennett on KFAR radio of Fairbanks, Alaska. (Continued Below)

More About This Subject Here





Trump To Embassies: Sell American Weapons!

Streamed live on Jan 10, 2018


President Trump is expected to mandate that US embassies overseas become more aggressive salespersons for the US weapons industry. Are the Beltway arms dealers about to get a massive, taxpayer-funded sales force? And where might these weapons end up? In the hands of our enemies?

(Continued - Ron Paul: Why Christian Zionists Love War)

Asked by Bennett why so many religious people in America are pro-war, Paul responds that, while the reasons vary from one person to the next, evangelical Zionism, which is taught by preachers at some churches, “has a lot to do with it.” Paul continues that the use of Christianity to support preventative or preemptive wars is “a gross distortion” of what Paul believes “the Christian faith is all about.” Paul explains in the interview that he sees Jesus as “the Prince of Peace.”

Also discussed in the 24-minute interview are Paul’s new book Swords into Plowshares — in which Paul writes extensively regarding the relationship among religion, war, and peace — as well as three projects Paul has undertaken since leaving the House in January of 2013 — the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, the Ron Paul Liberty Report, and the Ron Paul Curriculum.




One of the Greatest Deceptions
of Church History

Link: Christian Zionism






U.S. Soldiers Are Waking Up


Our young men and women in the US military are waking up to the fact that... to quote General Smedley Butler's 1933 speech..."War Is A Racket!".....

"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.

In the World War [I] a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That many admitted their huge blood gains in their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires falsified their tax returns no one knows.

How many of these war millionaires shouldered a rifle? How many of them dug a trench? How many of them knew what it meant to go hungry in a rat-infested dug-out? How many of them spent sleepless, frightened nights, ducking shells and shrapnel and machine gun bullets? How many of them were wounded or killed in battle?

Out of war nations acquire additional territory, if they are victorious. They just take it. This newly acquired territory promptly is exploited by the few the selfsame few who wrung dollars out of blood in the war. The general public shoulders the bill. And what is this bill?

This bill renders a horrible accounting. Newly placed gravestones. Mangled bodies. Shattered minds. Broken hearts and homes. Economic instability. Depression and all its attendant miseries. Back-breaking taxation for generations and generations.

For a great many years, as a soldier, I had a suspicion that war was a racket; not until I retired to civil life did I fully realize it. Now that I see the international war clouds gathering, as they are today, I must face it and speak out."






War Is A Racket

- Ron Paul - 





U.S. Creating Perpetual State of War, Fighting ISIS While Funding ISIS
- Ben Swann -






US cultivated, financed ISIS

- FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds -

Published on Oct 13, 2014

President Obama admits the rise of Islamic State was never properly addressed by the US intelligence. Vice-President of the States puts all the blame on America’s allies, saying it were they who funded jihadists. Terrorists threaten direct attacks on American soil. Is the U.S. ready to respond with more than just airstrikes? Was it really unaware of the growing threat? And were that the allies that gave a helping hand to the radicalism in Iraq and Syria? To find answers to these questions, Sophie&Co speaks to FBI whistleblower; Sibel Edmonds.

RT LIVE http://rt.com/on-air






Ken O'Keefe Dares To Say What Others Do Not

Published on Sep 4, 2014

Ken O'Keefe, lays it out perfectly on dinosaur mainstream media, calling out the fraud.
Must see, must share! Brilliant!







Selling The War

 The Pentagon budgets half a billion dollars to market its wars in the US. Call it public relations or call it propaganda, it's meant to win the hearts and minds of Americans. But is it coming at the price of the truth?








Vietnam War Was a Racket

March 5, 2014

Jesse Ventura draws upon the immortal words of Major General Smedley Butler to declare that the Vietnam War was a racket.



This article was posted: Wednesday, March 5, 2014 at 2:08 pm



Jesse Ventura -

At the time of his death, Major General Smedley Darlington Butler was the most decorated marine of his time. Among his 16 metals, he received five for heroism — including two Medals of Honor. The fact that he served our country makes him a patriot. However, Smedley Butler’s heroism did not end there.

A military coup lead by his colleagues and wealthy industrialists planned to overthrow and assassinate Franklin D. Roosevelt and replace the President of the United States with a Fascist regime, with Smedley Butler at the helm as dictator.

He stood up for the Republic by exposing these men, and he paid a price for going against such powerful people: he was marginalized and ridiculed by the media. Even though a report by a special House of Representatives Committee confirmed Butler’s testimony, not one of the conspirators was brought to justice.

In 1935, he wrote one of my favorite books of all time, “War is a Racket.” I have often encouraged people to read this book because Butler explains that the wars he fought weren’t for our country — they were for the corporations.

If you want your eyes to be truly open to how long corporations have dictated our domestic and foreign policy and how many of our brave men and women have died for their profits, read “War is a Racket.”



"Well, it's a racket, all right..."   


few profit -- and the many pay. But there is a way to stop it. You can't end it by disarmament conferences. You can't eliminate it by peace parleys at Geneva. 

Major General Smedley Butler

Well-meaning but impractical groups can't wipe it out by resolutions. It can be smashed effectively only by taking the profit out of war. 

The only way to smash this racket is to conscript capital and industry and labor before the nations manhood can be conscripted. One month before the Government can conscript the young men of the nation -- it must conscript capital and industry and labor. Let the officers and the directors and the high-powered executives of our armament factories and our munitions makers and our shipbuilders and our airplane builders and the manufacturers of all the other things that provide profit in war time as well as the bankers and the speculators, be conscripted -- to get $30 a month, the same wage as the lads in the trenches get." ...

To summarize: Three steps must be taken to smash the war racket


#1 :  We must take the profit out of war. 
#2 :  We must permit the youth of the land who would bear arms to decide whether or not there should be war.
#3 :  We must limit our military forces to home defense purposes.
















How Pat Tillman Was Used to Promote the War that Killed Him
- Brainwash Update -

Abby Martin commemorates the anniversary of the death of professional football player and Army ranger, Pat Tillman, whose death by way of friendly fire was covered up by army officials to hide his strong views against the Afghanistan war.









Memorial Day Message to Veterans: Government Considers You the Enemy
Veterans are props to be rolled out on Memorial Day as homage is paid to the state and its endless wars


by Kurt Nimmo | Infowars.com | May 26, 2014

Earlier today, Obama appeared at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery for a photo op. From The Washington Post:

Obama, aided by a soldier in uniform, rested the large wreath on a stand a few minutes after 11 a.m. Monday. The president adjusted the wreath, stepped back and bowed his head in silence for a few moments. Afterward, an Army bugler played taps.

Later he appeared at the cemetery’s Memorial Amphitheater to read from a script. “We’re in a pivotal moment. Our troops are coming home. By the end of this year, our war in Afghanistan will finally come to an end,” he recited.

“These Americans have done their duty. They ask nothing more than that our country does ours, for now and the decades to come,” Obama said.

But, as the VA scandal and countless other examples reveal, the government considers veterans as little more than third class citizens, props to be rolled out on Memorial Day as homage is ritually paid to the state and its endless wars.

The booboisie, as H. L. Mencken described the forever gullible and easily bamboozled American public, were practically knocking down the gates to get in to witness this annual worship of state violence:

Before the ceremony, a large number of people were turned away from the cemetery’s entrances by security personnel who said that the event was at capacity.

When the government is not praising veterans for their “service” in foreign wars of conquest and other illegal activity driven primarily by the financial elite – see Smedley Butler, below – it spends a lot of time demonizing veterans as enemies of the state:


LINKS: Fusion Centers , F.B.I. , Prisons for American Veterans , Federal Government Moves to Disarm Veterans




Tattle-Tell Squads, and Surveillance

Big Brother - InfraGard - Surveillance on U.S. citizens - with Jesse Ventura

Big Brother is watching and it's not who you think. Jesse Ventura's investigation of government surveillance on its citizens tears the lid off a nationwide program that is thought to turn local businessmen and office workers into spies, snooping on their neighbors and ratting on their friends in exchange for information and special privileges from the FBI- including, some charge, a "license to kill."





Tattle-Tell Squads, and Surveillance

Tattle-Tell Squads, and Surveillance




The Information-Industrial Complex

Published on Dec 18, 2017
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=25128

Half a century ago, outgoing President Dwight D. Eisenhower coined the term "military-industrial complex" to describe the fascistic collusion between the Pentagon and America's burgeoning armaments industry. But in our day and age we are witnessing the rise of a new collusion, one between the Pentagon and the tech industry that it helped to seed, that is committed to waging a covert war against people the world over. Now, in the 21st century, it is time to give this new threat a name: the information-industrial complex.

LINKS: Transhumanism And The Technocratic Era , TOTAL POPULATION CONTROL





LA County Sheriff Admits Big Brother Is Here “But We Kept It Pretty Hush Hush”


Zero Hedge
May 5, 2014

This is the future if nothing is done to stop it,” is the ominous way The Atlantic describes the recent Big Brother tactics used by LA County Sheriffs to “police” areas such as Compton. Residents were unaware (“A lot of people do have a problem with the eye in the sky, the Big Brother, so to mitigate those kinds of complaints we basically kept it pretty hush hush“)that, as the police stated, “we literally watched all of Compton during the times that we were flying, so we could zoom in anywhere within the city of Compton and follow cars and see people,” as they trialled a new system which if adopted, would mean Americans can be policed like Iraqis and Afghanis under occupation. As The Atlantic concludes, the sheriff didn’t conclude that the “wide area surveillance” wouldn’t be like Big Brother after all, just that Big Brother capabilities would help to solve more crimes… so why not tryout mass surveillance?



As The Atltantic reports,

In a secret test of mass surveillance technology, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department sent a civilian aircraft over Compton, California, capturing high-resolution video of everything that happened inside that 10-square-mile municipality.

Compton residents weren’t told about the spying, which happened in 2012. “We literally watched all of Compton during the times that we were flying, so we could zoom in anywhere within the city of Compton and follow cars and see people,” Ross McNutt of Persistence Surveillance Systems told the Center for Investigative Reporting, which unearthed and did the first reporting on this important story. The technology he’s trying to sell to police departments all over America can stay aloft for up to six hours. Like Google Earth, it enables police to zoom in on certain areas. And like TiVo, it permits them to rewind, so that they can look back and see what happened anywhere they weren’t watching in real time.

If it’s adopted, Americans can be policed like Iraqis and Afghanis under occupation…

Sgt. Douglas Iketani acknowledges that his agency hid the experiment to avoid public opposition. “This system was kind of kept confidential from everybody in the public,”he said. “A lot of people do have a problem with the eye in the sky, the Big Brother, so to mitigate those kinds of complaints we basically kept it pretty hush hush.” That attitude ought to get a public employee summarily terminated.

“Our first initial thought was, oh, Big Brother, we’re going to have a camera flying over us. But with the wide area surveillance you would have the ability to solve a lot of the unsolvable crimes with no witnesses, no videotape surveillance, no fingerprints.”

Notice that he didn’t conclude that the “wide area surveillance” wouldn’t be like Big Brother after all, just that Big Brother capabilities would help to solve more crimes.

So why not try them out?

He later explains that while the public may think its against this, we’ll get used to it:

I’m sure that once people find out this experiment went on they might be a little upset. But knowing that we can’t see into their bedroom windows, we can’t see into their pools, we can’t see into their showers. You know, I’m sure they’ll be okay with it. With the amount of technology out in today’s age, with cameras in ATMs, at every 7/11, at every supermarket, pretty much every light poll, all the license plate cameras, the red light cameras, people have just gotten used to being watched.

Many Americans elect their own sheriffs. This is the future if nothing is done to stop them.

This article was posted: Monday, May 5, 2014 at 5:45 am

Tags: ,






An independent agency of the United States government responsible for collecting and coordinating intelligence and counterintelligence activities abroad in the national interest; headed by the Director of Central Intelligence under the supervision of the President and National Security Council...There has been considerable criticism of the CIA relating to security and counterintelligence failures, failures in intelligence analysis, human rights concerns, external investigations and document releases, influencing public opinion and law enforcement, drug trafficking, and lying to Congress. In 1987, the former CIA Station Chief in Angola in 1976, John Stockwell, said the CIA is responsible for tens of thousands of covert actions and destablization programs since it was created by Congress with the passage of the National Security Act of 1947. At the time, Stockwell estimated that over 6 million people had died in CIA covert actions.






The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is a governmental agency belonging to the United StatesDepartment of Justice that serves as both a federal criminal investigative body and an internal intelligence agency (counterintelligence). Also, it is the government agency responsible for investigating crimes on Indian reservations in the United States under the Major Crimes Act. The branch has investigative jurisdiction over violations of more than 200 categories of federal crime. The agency was established in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation (BOI). Its name was changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1935. The agency headquarters is the J. Edgar Hoover Building, located in Washington, D.C. The agency has fifty-six field offices located in major cities throughout the United States, and more than 400 resident agencies in lesser cities and areas across the nation. More than 50 international offices called "legal attachés" exist in U.S. embassies and consulates general worldwide. 

'Federal Bureau of Investigation organizes almost all terror plots in the US' ...The report reveals that the FBI regularly infiltrates communities where they suspect terrorist-minded individuals to be engaging with others. Regardless of their intentions, agents are sent in to converse within the community, find suspects that could potentially carry out “lone wolf” attacks and then, more or less, encourage them to do so. By providing weaponry, funds and a plan, FBI-directed agents will encourage otherwise-unwilling participants to plot out terrorist attacks, only to bust them before any events fully materialize.







War and Collateral Damage

War and Collateral Damage

While Americans elect leaders whom they trust are honest, truthful and really care about the kids they send to kill for our country, Decade after decade the sordid side of our history — that our elected officials lie us into war with stunning and embarrassing regularity and are little concerned about the harm to innocent civilians, much less to members of our own military.

In the latter half of the 20th century, eugenics merely changed its face to become known as "population control". This was crystallized in National Security Study Memorandum 200, a 1974 geopolitical strategy document prepared by Rockefeller's intimate friend and fellow Bilderberg member Henry Kissinger, which targeted thirteen countries for massive population reduction by means of creating food scarcity, sterilization and



...This Is What The Military Doesn't Want You To See! #1 & #2







Documentary: Fear Not The Path Of Truth

This documentary follows Ross Caputi, veteran of the 2nd siege of Fallujah, as he investigates the atrocities that he participated in and the legacy of US foreign policy in Fallujah, Iraq.


LINK: War and Collateral Damage












Posse Comitatus Act Abolished, Troops on the streets of America!

U.S. Army admits troops conducting law enforcement is illegal yet it continues to happen across the country on a routine basis

Posse Comitatus Act

Acclimating The Public To Accept Troops On The Street!

LINK: Posse Comitatus Act






Posse Comitatus

Posse Comitatus2

The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385) passed on June 18, 1878, after the end of Reconstruction, with the intention (in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807) of substantially limiting the powers of the federal government to use the military for law enforcement. The Act prohibits most members of the federal uniformed services (today the Marine Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force, and State National Guard forces when such are called into federal service) from exercising nominally state law enforcement, police, or peace officer powers that maintain "law and order" on non-federal property (states and their counties and municipal divisions) within the United States.



U.S. Army admits troops conducting law enforcement is illegal yet it continues to happen across the country on a routine basis 

Posse Comitatus2 

“Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful,"

(Links Below Give More Background And Insight To Henry Kissinger's Revealing Statement Of Troops Being Needed To Restore Order)








Bilderberg Group

The United Nations


The Federal Reserve



The more impoverished the nation gets, the more society will break down, and then Americans will welcome a militarized police force.

Detroit Appeals To UN For Humanitarian Assistance

Several groups appealed to the UN on Wednesday to assist in providing affordable water to the residents of Detroit. In March, the bankrupt city sent 45,000 shutoff notices to residents with overdue bills. So far, nearly 3,000 have had their water service terminated, and many more fear they are next. RTs Manila Chan has more details on the circumstances of theplea for help.







The United Nations

The high level globalist minion Henry Kissinger purportedly said in an address to the Bilderbergers at Evian, France, on May 21, 1991.






DHS Has Now Acquired Enough Bullets
To Wage 30 Year War!!









U.S. Army Training to Fight Black Americans

"Doomsday Disneyland" facility used as practice ground for civil unrest

by Paul Joseph Watson | July 17, 2014

A promotional video touting FEMA’s emergency response capabilities shows U.S. National Guard troops training to detain unruly African-American citizens in prison camps before handing them over to police.

The video appears on the official YouTube channel for Guardian Centers, an 830 acre “disaster preparedness and tactical training validation center” located in Georgia which is routinely used by FEMA and other government agencies to practice emergency response procedures.

After the 2 minute mark in the clip, the scene cuts to a black woman who is struggling to escape from the clutches of a uniformed soldier. The area is surrounded by concertina wire and guarded by other troops.

The clip then shows the woman, along with another African-American, being handed over to local police before being driven away.

Described by CNN as the “doomsday Disneyland,” Guardian Centers is a mock city complete with a subway station that “allow(s) a variety of responders to do a variety of drills in one location.”

The sight of National Guard troops training to detain Americans in prison camps is unlikely to quell concerns that authorities are preparing for domestic disorder.

Back in 2012, we reported on FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations, a U.S. Army manual that describes how political activists in prison camps will be indoctrinated by specially assigned psychological operations officers. The document makes numerous references to how government agencies like the DHS, ICE and FEMA will be involved in the domestic internment of U.S. citizens during “civil support operations.”

A second US Army Military Police manual that was leaked months later also outlined how military assets would be used domestically to quell riots, confiscate firearms and even kill Americans on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest.

U.S. troops and National Guard also worked with local police to incarcerate Americans in detention camps during drills Alex Jones covered in 1999 in Oakland, California.

A report produced in 2008 by the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Institute warned that the United States may experience massive civil unrest in the wake of a series of crises which it termed “strategic shock.”

“Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security,” stated the report, authored by [Ret.] Lt. Col. Nathan Freir, adding that the military may be needed to quell “purposeful domestic resistance”.

Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was established under the pretext of a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens crossing the Mexican/US border.

During the Iran-Contra hearings in 1987, however, it was revealed that the program was a secretive “scenario and drill” developed by the federal government to suspend the Constitution, declare martial law, assign military commanders to take over state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens determined by the government to be “national security threats.”

Despite innumerable indications that the federal government is making preparations for riots, the Department of Homeland Security denied last year that it was gearing up for domestic disorder. In 2011, DHS chief Janet Napolitano directed ICE to prepare for a mass influx of immigrants into the United States, calling for the plan to deal with the “shelter” and “processing” of large numbers of people.

In the video below, Alex Jones highlights how the Guardian Centers video is yet another startling indication that authorities in the United States are preparing for civil unrest as America increasingly begins to resemble a militarized police state.


U.S. Army Training to Fight Black Americans


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FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson @ https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com.








Nashville Police Stockpile Weapons Of War
Items include grenade launchers

by Ben Hall | NewsChannel5.com | July 20, 2014

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- A massive military build-up is underway right here in Tennessee.

Local law enforcement agencies are snatching up huge amounts of weapons -- from the Department of Defense -- used in fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Items include grenade launchers, mine-resistant vehicles and guns that have been deemed as surplus by the Pentagon. The equipment is cheap or free for local law enforcement agencies to acquire. The federal program has fueled a debate about the militarization of our police departments. McMinn County is located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. It boasts beautiful scenery, but its sheriff's department can boast something else.

The department received more military surplus guns than any other local department in the state last year. "We actually reconfigured the whole armory to accommodate all of this," said Sheriff Joe Guy. Sheriff Guy oversees 31 officers and investigators, but his department received 161 army rifles and pistols, including 71 M16 rifles and 71 .45-caliber pistols.

NewsChannel 5 Investigates asked, "Why does your department need all these guns?" Sheriff Guy responded, "Well, we don't need this many. There was a little error in the order." The Sheriff said the Army surplus program doubled his initial order, but he hasn't sent the guns back. "They're here as our department grows. We'll have additional firearms for future officers," Sheriff Guy said. McMinn County is not alone.

A spreadsheet obtained by NewsChannel 5 Investigates shows thousands of pieces of military equipment going to Tennessee law enforcement agencies. Equipment used to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan is now going to local departments. "The way this stuff is being distributed, it's kind of reckless," said author Radley Balko. He has written a book, Rise of the Warrior Cop, that raises concerns about militarization of American police departments. "What we've seen is just a massive transfer of gear, guns, vehicles and other weaponry," Balko said. Law enforcement agencies can go to a website administered by the Department of Defense and look for used equipment. On the day we went to McMinn County, the department was looking for Humvees. Sheriff Guy reviewed what was available. "It looks good," Sheriff Guy said to an employee who was looking up a vehicle on-line. The employee responded, "It's got 14-hundred miles on it." "How many of those did you put in for?" Sheriff Guy asked."Three," his employee answered.

Sheriff Guy responded, "Three of those and one truck." Departments pay a registration fee, then all the equipment is free. Individual departments must pay for transportation and maintenance. "The disbursement across the country is so uneven and random and sort of based on who is good at manipulating the system," Balko said. Thirty Tennessee departments just received mine-resistant vehicles. They were designed to protect soldiers from road side bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan. Lebanon Public Safety, La Vergne and Hendersonville Police Departments all received MRAPS. "This is our newest armored protective vehicle," said Mike Justice with Lebanon Public Safety. Justice hopes Lebanon police officers never use it.

"The situations we would use this vehicle in is hostage negotiations, putting this vehicle between the bad guy and the good guys," Justice said. He said the surplus program is critical to smaller departments. It provides equipment is not just military in nature including trucks, lawn mowers and tents. Many small departments could not afford them on their own.

"As a taxpayer, I paid for it the first time. When I paid my federal income tax, I paid for this vehicle. So the citizens of Lebanon now get the benefit from it," Justice said standing beside the MRAP. But Balko said the militarization of police departments comes at a price, like more SWAT raids. "What we've done is encourage the police to become more like the military," Balko said. "When you surround yourself with the weapons of war, with the language of war, you're going to be much less likely to look for ways of resolving disputes using the least amount of force possible," Balko continued. Our investigation also found some departments can't keep up with the weapons they're getting.

The Tennessee Highway Patrol reported two M14s missing last year. A TWRA park ranger had an M16 stolen from his vehicle -- it was later recovered. And at the tiny Bean Station Police Department in East Tennessee, the police chief's son took an M16 from the program and was arrested for impersonating a police officer. "It's concerning that this stuff is getting lost or stolen because I think it again indicates how little monitoring the Pentagon is doing once this stuff gets out of their reach," Balko said.Sheriff Guy keeps his guns locked up and knows where each one is. But for some, a department with five times more guns than patrol officers raises questions about the military surplus program.

"There was never any sort of public debate on this, or public discourse. It all sort of happened under the radar, and I think that's concerning," Balko said. Late Thursday, the Department of General Services told NewsChannel 5 Investigates that it has suspended the state coordinator of the Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO). Elbert Baker is on administrative leave with pay. The Department of General Services stated it discovered that it had given inaccurate and incomplete information to NewsChannel 5 Investigates. We had asked for documentation involving missing weapons in the LESO program.

The state has alerted its auditors and is conducting a review of LESO files, records and internal controls, a spokesperson said. The auditors have notified the comptroller's office they are investigating a possible internal deficiency.

Finally, the Department of General Services expressed thanks to NewsChannel 5 Investigates for bringing "to light a record-keeping deficiency of which our department was previously unaware."




A former Marine Corps Colonel who was stationed in Fallujah and trained Iraqi soldiers warns that the Department of Homeland Security is working with law enforcement to build a “domestic army,” because the federal government is afraid of its own citizens. In this exclusive in studio interview Ret. Col Martino covers the DHS buildup and solutions our overreaching corrupt government officials.


Ret. Marine Col:

DHS Is Prepping For War With Americans

LINKS: You Are Being Targeted , Assassination Program , Police Trained That Informed Americans Are Terrorists , Doomsday Preppers Will Be Treated As Terrorists , False Flag Event , BORDER CRISIS , WAR IS A RACKET , Posse Comitatus Act , Clergy Response Teams , U.S. Military Killing Its Own Troops! , The NSA (National Security Agency) , Tattle-Tell Squads and Surveillance , Total Despotism in America , NDAA





LINK:  Posse Comitatus2






The Police State Industrial Complex

For the final thirty minutes of regular broadcast David and Gerald Celente discuss the efforts of global interests to take over the economy of America, Crash society and bring about a new class of slave minded individuals that do not question their government.






Gerald Celente: Politicians Are Murderers And Thieves

David invites American business consultant and publisher of the Trends Journal Gerald Celente to analyze how the plummeting economy is blamed on everything but Obama's policies, and ISIS takeover of the Middle East.







Warmonger Red Alert WW3!!

The hypno-induced psychotic public can't even hear the war drums any more, no matter how loud. WW3 Conditioning Complete -- They Won't See It Coming





David Swanson - War Is a Lie



WAR IS A LIE is a thorough refutation of every major argument used to justify wars, drawing on evidence from numerous past wars, with a focus on those wars that have been most widely defended as just and good. This is a handbook of sorts, a manual to be used in debunking future lies before future wars have a chance to begin. For more information visit WarIsALie.org.







Despite the reservations of a large minority of Democrats, both parties support arming and training ISIS to fight ISIS and ensuring the war on terror continues indefinitely, or at least until the U.S. government collapses as a result of internal contradictions and the weight of an astronomical debt.





 House Approves Plan to Arm and Train ISIS to Fight ISIS

Syrian "rebels" are virtually all members of ISIS and al-Qaeda

by Kurt Nimmo | Infowars.com | September 18, 2014

On Wednesday the House of Representatives approved Obama’s plan to train and arm “moderate Syrian rebels to counter the growing threat of the Islamic State organization,” according to The Washington Post.



There is a problem with this: there are few if any “moderate” Syrian “rebels” to arm and train. In other words, Obama and Congress will arm and train ISIS and other al-Qaeda inspired radical Wahabist groups.

No Such Thing as a Moderate, Secular Rebel Group

Even The New York Times dispelled the myth there is such a thing as a secular and moderate opposition to the Syrian government. “Nowhere in rebel-controlled Syria is there a secular fighting force to speak of,” Ben Hubbard wrote for the newspaper on April 27, 2013.

“My sense is that there are no seculars,” Elizabeth O’Bagy, of the Institute for the Study of War, told the Times.

“Syria’s revolution is devouring its children, and ISIS is the devourer,” Joshua Landis, director of the Center of Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma, told The Christian Science Monitor last November.

Much of the establishment media pretends the “moderate” Free Syrian Army (FSA) is secular and democratic. This is not merely a distortion, it is outright propaganda designed to mislead. Stephen Gowans writes:

You don’t have to be committed to a secular society to belong to the FSA. Indeed, according to Reuters, the organization’s military command is “Islamist dominated”. The Associated Press says that “Many of the participating groups have strong Islamist agendas, and some have fought in ways that could scare away Western backers. They include the Tawheed Brigade, whose ideology is similar to that of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Falcons of Damascus, an ultraconservative Islamist group.” The Wall Street Journal reports that Brig. Gen. Mithkal Albtaish, an FSA leader, says that the organization is “dominated by Islamist groups that are in close coordination with al Nusra,” the al-Qaeda aligned terrorist group. The idea, then, that the FSA is secular is mistaken.

Al-Nusra and ISIS merged in June. Factions within the FSA have pledged allegiance to ISIS, including Ahl Al Athar, Ibin al-Qa’im, and Aisha. Around 20,000 FSA mercenaries were trained by the U.S. and were the recipients of rockets and TOW anti-tank missiles supplied through back-channels in Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

FSA members have defected to al-Nusra in droves. “The FSA’s Ahrar al-Shimal brigade joined al-Nusra en masse while the Sufiyan al-Thawri brigade in Idlib lost 65 of its fighters to al-Nusra a few months ago for lack of weapons. According to one estimate the FSA has lost a quarter of all its fighters,” The Guardian reported in May, 2013.

CIA Provides the Weapons

The CIA has shipped weapons to the al-Qaeda groups in Syria since at least 2012, a fact also revealed by The New York Times. The shipments included, as of March last year, more than 160 military cargo flights by Jordanian, Saudi and Qatari military cargo planes landing at Esenboga Airport near Ankara and other Turkish and Jordanian airports. The effort to arm al-Nusra – now fully merged with ISIS – and other jihadist groups is coordinated by American intelligence:

From offices at secret locations, American intelligence officers have helped the Arab governments shop for weapons, including a large procurement from Croatia, and have vetted rebel commanders and groups to determine who should receive the weapons as they arrive, according to American officials speaking on the condition of anonymity.

In addition to arming ISIS in Syria, the U.S. Army has trained the jihadists how to use the weapons. “Members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS, were trained in 2012 by U.S. instructors working at a secret base in Jordan, according to informed Jordanian officials,” Aaron Klein wrote in June.

Support for Obama’s Plan Marginal

Arming and training ISIS to fight ISIS is not fully supported in Congress, however. Obama’s proposal is opposed by 40 percent of Democrats who are concerned it will merely extend and exacerbate hostilities in the Middle East. This is, despite the thin veneer of establishment propaganda, exactly what the plan is designed to do.

Neocon Republicans in the House, on the other hand, support the plan. In fact, they believe Obama’s plan is far too timid and does not go far enough. Disregarding the Constitution (Article 1, Section 8), one “top GOP leader suggested that Congress could give the president blanket military authority, even if Obama doesn’t want it, when lawmakers hold a much broader debate after the November elections about the fight against Islamist militants,” the Post reports.

Despite the reservations of a large minority of Democrats, both parties support arming and training ISIS to fight ISIS and ensuring the war on terror continues indefinitely, or at least until the U.S. government collapses as a result of internal contradictions and the weight of an astronomical debt.

House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell “have been working together on a cross-chamber strategy designed to keep their party ranks united and move swiftly toward passage of the measure,” according to the Post.

“The House is expected to grant Obama the short-term authority as part of an amendment to a larger measure funding federal agencies that is expected to pass after it is debated Tuesday and Wednesday, GOP leadership aides said. Once the House votes, the Senate would take up the issue by next week before adjourning for the elections.”













Full Spectrum Evil Secrets of Global Domination





From time immemorial, royalty, priest classes and other self-appointed elites have used any means necessary to dominate the population and keep it divided amongst itself. Alex Jones uses the games of chess, risk and monopoly to explain the classic modes of control used by rulers, representing classic warfare between two factions, world warfare with a complex conflict, and, of course, economic warfare.

Now those techniques have advanced with sophistication into an era of full spectrum dominance-- where gaming the people means an attempt to control all facets of life. Under the modern scientific dictatorship, nations, individuals, economies, cultures and environments have all become pawns at the hands of hardened, evil offshore globalists bent on manipulating our world in attempt to complete their break away civilization and destroying the remains, including the great masses of humanity. They have willingly distorted our information, food, water, political systems, financial interactions and beyond with precision. Only a public aware of the scope of their designs can begin to fight against it.



Tragedy and Hope Infowars Store









The Anglo-American Establishment (paperback, 354 page) is the follow-up to author Carroll Quigley's major tome Tragedy & Hope.  In the book he specifically discusses a secret society created by the great imperialist Cecil Rhodes and how it was administered after Rhodes' death by Lord Alfred Milner.  This group operated behind the scenes and gained massive influence over the world.  Learn how the New World Order and global government's roots stem directly from the British Empire. 

Author Carroll Quigley (1910-1977) was a highly esteemed professor at Georgetown University.  The evidence he presents here is credible, the analysis brilliant.  His scholarly approach and presentation of facts will appeal to both the academically-oriented person as well as the truth seeker who aspires to understand the world around us. 

This quote from the book best describes what is discussed: 

"No country that values its safety should allow what the Milner group accomplished--that is, that a small number of men would be able to wield such power in administration and politics, shoud be given almost complete control over the publication of documents relating to their actions, should be able to exercise such influence over the avenues of information that create public opinion, and should be able to monopolize so completely the writing and the teaching of the history of their own period."  --Carroll Quigley, The Anglo-American Establishment.







Biden Urges Air Force Cadets To Shape

'A New World Order'

While United States President Barack Obama used an address at West Point Military Academy this week to tout the impeding end to the Afghan War, his second in command had a much different message while giving remarks to Air Force Academy cadets.

Vice President Joe Biden is now getting attention over the phrasing he used during Wednesday’s graduation ceremony at the military college in Colorado Springs, Colorado that contrasted sharply with the message the commander-in-chief extended at an address that morning at West Point.

During Mr. Obama’s remarks, the president told new military grads that they were likely to be the first in over a decade to not worry about being deployed to Afghanistan or Iraq. With combat operations there all but expired, American foreign policy should begin to rely on influencing the world not with the barrel of a gun, the president said, but by leading with examples of diplomacy.

Biden, however, had a different message to extend.

"I believe we and mainly you have an incredible opportunity to lead in shaping a new world order for the twenty-first century in a way consistent with American interests and common interests,” Vice Pres. Biden said to the 995 members of the class of 2014, the Colorado Springs Gazette reported this week.

"There was an overwhelming desire of our grandparents and my parent's generation to bring home every single one of the 12 million forces stationed in Europe and Asia," he said. "They knew they had to lay a foundation for a new world order, an order that brought the longest period of sustained and peace in Europe and Asia.” 

The vice president’s remarks are expected to generate controversy among skeptics who associated the phrase “new world order” with the theory that a secret global power elite is plotting a system of international rule to take over the world.

Indeed, Biden made similar comments last year and quickly caught the attention of anti-globalists as a result.

“The affirmative task before us is to create a new world order because the global order is changing again,” Biden said at a conference in Washington, DC last June.

At the time, the website Infowars.com pounced upon the vice president’s remarks and said Biden was “adding yet another admission to an already long list of documented globalist bragging of plans for a centralized, one-world global government.” 

According to The New American, Biden brought up the notion of a new world order long before that, though. The website reported last year that in 1992, Biden wrote a Wall Street Journal op-ed in which he called for a “permanent commitment of forces for use by the Security Council” of the United Nations.

“Why not breathe life into the UN Charter?” Biden asked then.


The United Nations

 Propaganda History

 Propagandizing Through Games






Joe Biden Calls for a New World Order 2013

Vice President Joe Biden calls for a New World Order at the Export Import Bank conference in Washington DC on April 5, 2013.
Subscribe to http://www.YouTube.com/MarkDice

LINKS: Bilderberg Group , UN Arms Transfer Treaty (ATT) on Small Arms: Gun Grab Gradualism , CASHLESS TRACKABLE SOCIETY , Big Brother/Sis And Surveillance Systems , Facedeals scans your face to customize deals , The Occult In Government , If I were the devil , Depopulation Agenda , Tattle-Tell Squads and Surveillance , Snitch Phone Application , World Trade Organization , The United Nations , DEATH BY PHARMACEUTICALS 2





Joe Biden Called for a New World Order 2013





Joe Biden Calls For A New World Order

- Wake Up People -

JOE BIDEN NWO SPEECH - We Have an Incredible Opportunity to Shape a New World Order








A New World Order On Trial.

For the first time ever, the secret agenda of the planet’s ruthless Super-class is exposed in stark detail. This documentary film chronicles how men of power and influence have worked in stealth for centuries to establish an oppressive world government. Learn how this global oligarchy controls the populace through drug trafficking, money laundering, staged terror attacks, media propaganda and debt. The criminal controllers have successfully dominated the globe and are now in the final phase of consolidating power. 
Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined is a damning indictment of the globalists through their own words and documents. Worldwide tyranny isn’t coming — it’s here.

This isn’t conspiracy theory, it’s conspiracy fact. The New World Order is out in the open, all documented in stunning living color. Unelected bureaucrats are establishing regional unions under one superstate. Witness their plan for a global tax and a cashless surveillance society in which every man, woman and child is micro-chipped at birth.

Invisible Empire will be more than just a film — it is the culmination of years of research by Jason Bermas into the inner-workings and most revealing public statements by the New World Order and the most trusted stewards of their dark vision. Invisible Empire promises to unveil the long-term agenda for world control, just as Fabled Enemies and Loose Change Final Cut forever stripped away the facade of the official story of 9/11 and exposed the dark truth that lies behind. 















Acclimating The Public To Accept Troops On The Street!



Choose an image to begin


LINKS: American Border Debacle , Posse Comitatus Act





How The Media Manipulates the World Into War

The Corbett Report – Media Manipulation







March 19, 2013. Ten years ago today the Bush regime invaded Iraq. It is known that the justification for the invasion was a packet of lies orchestrated by the neoconservative Bush regime in order to deceive the United Nations and the American people.

The US Secretary of State at that time, General Colin Powell, has expressed his regrets that he was used by the Bush regime to deceive the United Nations with fake intelligence that the Bush and Blair regimes knew to be fake. But the despicable presstitute media has not apologized to the American people for serving the corrupt Bush regime as its Ministry of Propaganda and Lies.

It is difficult to discern which is the most despicable, the corrupt Bush regime, the presstitutes that enabled it, or the corrupt Obama regime that refuses to prosecute the Bush regime for its unambiguous war crimes, crimes against the US Constitution, crimes against US statutory law, and crimes against humanity. http://www.infowars.com/iraq-after-te...





Iraq: 10 Years Later with Darrin McBreen & Aaron Dykes 


March 19, 2013. Ten years ago today the Bush regime invaded Iraq. It is known that the justification for the invasion was a packet of lies orchestrated by the neoconservative Bush regime in order to deceive the United Nations and the American people.

The US Secretary of State at that time, General Colin Powell, has expressed his regrets that he was used by the Bush regime to deceive the United Nations with fake intelligence that the Bush and Blair regimes knew to be fake. But the despicable presstitute media has not apologized to the American people for serving the corrupt Bush regime as its Ministry of Propaganda and Lies.

It is difficult to discern which is the most despicable, the corrupt Bush regime, the presstitutes that enabled it, or the corrupt Obama regime that refuses to prosecute the Bush regime for its unambiguous war crimes, crimes against the US Constitution, crimes against US statutory law, and crimes against humanity. http://www.infowars.com/iraq-after-te...














Published on Jul 20, 2017

PRESENTED BY www.facebook.com/groups/fstwc/

One former UK Ambassador, three international investigative journalists and two leading professors discuss misreporting, misinformation and deliberate propaganda disseminated by the mainstream media at times of international conflict, and military intervention.

 Published on Jul 20, 2017

PRESENTED BY www.facebook.com/groups/fstwc/

One former UK Ambassador, three international investigative journalists and two leading professors discuss misreporting, misinformation and deliberate propaganda disseminated by the mainstream media at times of international conflict, and military intervention. The demonisation of one non-aligned leader after another, setting the stage for public consent for regime change has been part and parcel of establishment and corporate media's agenda this century. While sidelining independent research and refusing to independently verify its own reporting the mainstream has become obsessed with 'fake news' - So who is spreading 'fake news'? What effect has fake news and propaganda had? Should we make the media accountable for its actions? These questions and more are discussed by our expert panel in an event organised by Frome Stop War and supported by Bristol Against Imperialism, entitled 'Media on Trial'.


Published on Jul 20, 2017

PRESENTED BY www.facebook.com/groups/fstwc/

One former UK Ambassador, three international investigative journalists and two leading professors discuss misreporting, misinformation and deliberate propaganda disseminated by the mainstream media at times of international conflict, and military intervention.




Published on Mar 4, 2016


Did the BBC Fake ‘Saving Syria’s Children’?
Robert Stuart is a former newspaper reporter who has been researching the many startling inconsistencies and anomalies surrounding the BBC Panorama documentary ‘Saving Syria’s Children’ since material from the programme was first broadcast as MPs voted on military intervention in Syria on the evening of 29 August 2013.
Robert’s research has been endorsed by former UK Ambassador Craig Murray and has been featured on RT (Russia Today) and Radio Sputnik.

• “...brilliant dissection of the BBC’s propaganda blitz on Syria, at the time when the security establishment were trying to propel us into war against Assad... ... this is very, very important” – Craig Murray, former UK Ambassador to Uzbekistan

• “This [Saving Syria’s Children] was so badly done it is no wonder that all copies of the documentary are being purged from YouTube, etc.” – Dr Christopher Davidson, Reader in Middle East Politics, Durham University, author ‘After the Sheikhs: The Coming Collapse of the Gulf Monarchies’

• [The BBC’s material] “clearly was faked”; “...any damage to the reputation and good name of the BBC [was] self-inflicted” and the BBC programmes “should never have been broadcast” – TV-Novosti, Ofcom Broadcast Bulletin, 21 September 2015.

A PDF of Robert's presentation and links to the video clips shown are available here:








Collateral Murder



Update: On July 6, 2010,

Private Bradley Manning, a 22 year old intelligence analyst with the United States Army in Baghdad, was charged with disclosing this video (after allegedly speaking to an unfaithful journalist). The whistleblower behind the Pentagon Papers, Daniel Ellsberg, has called Mr. Manning a 'hero'. He is currently imprisoned in Kuwait. The Apache crew and those behind the cover up depicted in the video have yet to be charged. To assist Private Manning, please see bradleymanning.org.

5th April 2010 10:44 EST WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad -- including two Reuters news staff.

Reuters has been trying to obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act, without success since the time of the attack. The video, shot from an Apache helicopter gun-sight, clearly shows the unprovoked slaying of a wounded Reuters employee and his rescuers. Two young children involved in the rescue were also seriously wounded.


Short version


Wikileaks has obtained and decrypted this previously unreleased video footage from a US Apache helicopter in 2007. It shows Reuters journalist Namir Noor-Eldeen, driver Saeed Chmagh, and several others as the Apache shoots and kills them in a public square in Eastern Baghdad. They are apparently assumed to be insurgents. After the initial shooting, an unarmed group of adults and children in a minivan arrives on the scene and attempts to transport the wounded. They are fired upon as well. The official statement on this incident initially listed all adults as insurgents and claimed the US military did not know how the deaths ocurred. Wikileaks released this video with transcripts and a package of supporting documents on April 5th 2010 on This Site

Full version

Please note: This is a full uncut version of the video primarily intended for research purposes. See Video Here for a short and concise version with added context.





WikiLeaks' Collateral Murder: U.S. Soldier Ethan McCord's Eyewitness Story

U.S. Soldier Ethan McCord speaking about the civilian massacre documented in WikiLeaks's April 2010 video disclosure of Apache helicopter footage of a New Baghdad attack that took place in 2007, allegedly released by PFC Brad Manning. McCord's story was delivered to attendees of the United National Peace Conference, which took place in Albany NY the weekend of July 23-25, 2010. Produced by the United National Peace Conference Media Project, powered by The Sanctuary for Independent Media and the Hudson Mohawk Independent Media Center. http://www.mediasanctuary.org http://www.wikileaks.org


The military did not reveal how the Reuters staff were killed, and stated that they did not know how the children were injured.

After demands by Reuters, the incident was investigated and the U.S. military concluded that the actions of the soldiers were in accordance with the law of armed conflict and its own "Rules of Engagement".

Consequently, WikiLeaks has released the classified Rules of Engagement for 2006, 2007 and 2008, revealing these rules before, during, and after the killings.

WikiLeaks has released both the original 38 minutes video and a shorter version with an initial analysis. Subtitles have been added to both versions from the radio transmissions.

WikiLeaks obtained this video as well as supporting documents from a number of military whistleblowers. WikiLeaks goes to great lengths to verify the authenticity of the information it receives. We have analyzed the information about this incident from a variety of source material. We have spoken to witnesses and journalists directly involved in the incident.

WikiLeaks wants to ensure that all the leaked information it receives gets the attention it deserves. In this particular case, some of the people killed were journalists that were simply doing their jobs: putting their lives at risk in order to report on war. Iraq is a very dangerous place for journalists: from 2003- 2009, 139 journalists were killed while doing their work.







Why Government Fears Veterans
The state fears those who know its true intentions

by Lee Ann McAdoo, Infowars.com - June 6, 2014


The Battle of Athens, Tennessee is not only a pristine example of a fight for freedom and democracy, but it also shows perhaps why the government is afraid of a fearless veteran.





War on Terror: Greatest Covert Op






American Border Debacle

How could there be a War on Terror and actually say that we're having a war against terrorism, and leave the borders wide open? If you were the President of the United States, or I were the President of the United States, and 9/11 really happened the way they want us to believe it happened, the first thing you would do is shut down the borders, so people couldn't get in the country to harm you. But they left the borders wide open. Because the bankers want the borders open, because they want a one-world government. They want a North American Union. They don't want borders here. 9/11 was only a manifestation. It was done to create a fear in the American public, so that we will obey what they want us to do.

LINKS: THE FAKE WAR ON TERROR , INFAMOUS 9/11 , False Flag Event , ISIS/ALQAEDA , America Armed ISIS!! , Naked Body Scanners , American Border Debacle , Feds Radiating Americans , Illegal Checkpoints In America , Mobile Van Radiating the Public , Police Trained That Informed Americans Are Terrorists , The NSA (National Security Agency) , The Federal Reserve , Fusion Centers , TSA , N.W.O.


It’s no longer Al-Qaeda, it’s now supposedly RETURNING VETERANS your friends and neighbors.  This is the prevailing meme of every tyrannical fascist regime in history.

Attorney General Holder: American People Are Terrorists






Could Obama Face Impeachment For Bergdahl release

Total Despotism in America 

What happened in the last few weeks to change the Bergdahal situation? Was he a CIA operative, or was this a failed attempt to take the heat off the VA scandal?

Impeachment now very valid argument

Jay Carney 2013: we won't transfer detainess without consulting congress

Obama clearly broke the law

Is this a ramp up to "White al Qaeda"





AGENDA 21 Cliven Bundy Case Example

Alex Jones breaks down the bigger picture behind the move to turn the war on terror against American citizens


White House Tells Parents: Children Could Be Terrorists!

I have told you this was coming. Under the new homeland we are all the enemy in the eyes of the occupiers.

LINKS: You Are Being Targeted , Assassination Program , [ AL-QAEDA EXPOSED!! ] , Terrorism Big Dirty Secret , AGENDA 21 Cliven Bundy Case Example , Police Trained That Informed Americans Are Terrorists , Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns , Posse Comitatus Act , Posse Comitatus2 , Police State 1 , Police State 2 , Police State 3  Police State 4 , The Fake War On Terror



n 1991, the Club published The First Global Revolution. It analyses the problems of humanity, calling these collectively or in essence the 'problematique'. It notes (laments) that, historically, social or political unity has commonly been motivated by enemies in common: "The need for enemies seems to be a common historical factor. Some states have striven to overcome domestic failure and internal contradictions by blaming external enemies. The ploy of finding a scapegoat is as old as mankind itself - when things become too difficult at home, divert attention to adventure abroad. Bring the divided nation together to face an outside enemy, either a real one, or else one invented for the purpose. With the disappearance of the traditional enemy, the temptation is to use religious or ethnic minorities as scapegoats, especially those whose differences from the majority are disturbing." "Every state has been so used to classifying its neighbours as friend or foe, that the sudden absence of traditional adversaries has left governments and public opinion with a great void to fill. New enemies have to be identified, new strategies imagined, and new weapons devised."




AGENDA 21 Cliven Bundy Case Example



Several years ago, after his popular video “Mad As Hell” was released and Aaron Russo began his campaign to become Governor of Nevada, Russo was noticed by Nicholas Rockefeller and introduced to him by a female attorney. Seeing Russo’s passion and ability to affect change, Rockefeller set about on a subtle mission to recruit Russo into the elite’s CFR.  Watch the full interview here: Reflections and Warnings.



Aaron Russo talks about the CFR...And The Fake War On Terror!

Aaron Russo talks about the CFR...And The Fake War On Terrorism!


LINKS: Reflections and Warnings , Road to World Government , CASHLESS TRACKABLE SOCIETY , Educational System Dismantlement , The Fake War On Terror , 911 The Road to Tyranny , INFAMOUS 9/11 , N.W.O. , C.F.R.







smedley butler war is a racket


Smedley Butler: War Is A Racket

Major General Smedley Butler
April 18, 2009

In addition to his military career, Smedley Butler was noted for his outspoken anti-interventionist views, and his book War is a Racket. His book was one of the first works describing the workings of the military-industrial complex and after retiring from service, he became a popular speaker at meetings organized by veterans, pacifists and church groups in the 1930s.








A General Summary/Crash Course of "The System"
Where It Has Been & Where It Is Going

Link: General Summary/Crash Course




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