" Look Into It - INFAMOUS 9/11 Part 2








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October 26, 2001

This is the date when President George W. Bush signed the USA Patriot Act, and the federal government’s war against individual liberty began in earnest. Most of the unconstitutional eavesdropping, snooping, wiretapping, phone call intercepting, email reading, prying, financial records tracking, travel watching, ad infinitum, ad nauseam, by federal police agencies began with the implementation of the Patriot Act. The Department of Homeland Security and the “war on terrorism,” which have resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people worldwide, and the usurpation of federal power at home, have all come about as an outgrowth of the Patriot Act. The USA Patriot Act has forever shifted the focus of American law and jurisprudence against constitutional government and individual liberty, toward a police-state mentality. The Patriot Act is even turning our local and State law enforcement agencies into military-style “Jackboots,” where police officers see themselves not necessarily as guardians of the citizenry, but, as often as not, as adversaries, where citizens are deemed to be the “enemy.”

Chuck Baldwin - Dates That Destroyed America


Aaron Russo - Excerpt from vid: Reflections and Warnings


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Costs of War:
The Human Toll of The Post-9/11 Wars

Brown University
Published on Nov 9, 2016

The Costs of War Project at Brown University's Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs illustrates
the human toll of the post-9/11 wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

This video was developed by Professor Catherine Lutz, Costs of War Project Director, in collaboration with Computing and Information Services with the goal of helping learners grasp high level concepts visually.

Animation created by Yidan Zeng.

More info: http://costsofwar.org 




A Leading Mortality Expert Says It's 
'Holocaust Denial' To Ignore
'27M Killed' By The War On Terror

The Last American Vagabond
First published at 22:30 UTC on November 23rd, 2019.

This is an excerpt of The Daily Wrap Up 11/22. | Full Episode Can Be Seen Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fh9TMWBEZJY



I  R  A  Q
From The Grave They Plead Wake Up!

Charles Thomas 'Charlie' McGrath Jr.

Published on Jun 13, 2014





9/11 According to Donald Trump

"This is the same Donald Trump who on the campaign trail told Fox & Friends, 'Who blew up the World Trade Center? It wasn't the Iraqis, it was Saudi--take a look at Saudi Arabia, open the documents.' Now, instead of opening the documents ON Saudi Arabia, Trump is opening the purse FOR Saudi Arabia."

-- Rev Chuck Baldwin: Globalists Using Donald Trump To Take America Into War, May 25, 2017 --


Learn More About 911 Here: INFAMOUS 9/11


“Who blew up the World Trade Center? It wasn’t the Iraqis, it was Saudi — take a look at Saudi Arabia, open the documents.”

-- Donald Trump Fox and Friends on the morning of February 17, 2016 --

Donald Trump You May Find The Saudis Were Behind The 9/11 Attacks

Does Saudi Arabia Own
Donald Trump

Donald Trump Interview on FOX AND FRIENDS 2/17/16


- George W. Bush, 9/21/2001 - 


Dying In Deception

- Message by Dr. Chuck Baldwin -

Published on May 28, 2019

This message was preached by Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Sunday, May 26, 2019, during the service at Liberty Fellowship. To purchase a copy of this message or to support the fellowship, please visit LibertyFellowshipMT.com.

More: Asleep at the Switch



smedley butler war is a racket


Smedley Butler: War Is A Racket

Major General Smedley Butler
April 18, 2009

In addition to his military career, Smedley Butler was noted for his outspoken anti-interventionist views, and his book War is a Racket. His book was one of the first works describing the workings of the military-industrial complex and after retiring from service, he became a popular speaker at meetings organized by veterans, pacifists and church groups in the 1930s.






Maj Gen Smedley Butler
on Interventionism


____9 WARS____

"The United States is currently engaged in nine
presidential wars:
Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan,
Al Qaeda, and ISIS.  

...The fully allocated cost of fighting presidential wars since 9/11 approaches a staggering $10 trillion."

-- Bruce Fein, Constitutional Scholar --
A No Presidential Wars Statute, Jan 27, 2018

N A T I O N A L D E B T ! ! ! ! ! !

Visit USADebtClock.com to learn more!


Link: Pawns On The Chessboard







How could there be a War on Terror and actually say that we're having a war against terrorism, and leave the borders wide open? If you were the President of the United States, or I were the President of the United States, and 9/11 really happened the way they want us to believe it happened, the first thing you would do is shut down the borders, so people couldn't get in the country to harm you. But they left the borders wide open. Because the bankers want the borders open, because they want a one-world government. They want a North American Union. They don't want borders here. 9/11 was only a manifestation. It was done to create a fear in the American public, so that we will obey what they want us to do.


Link: American Border Debacle









Media Controllers | Media Controllers2 | Media Controllers3 | Subverting The Public | NORTH AMERICAN UNION





James O’Keefe Crosses The US-Mexico Border Dressed As Osama Bin Laden
O’Keefe: “I see no border patrol. I see no security."


by Patrick Howley | Daily Caller | August 11, 2014 

Investigative filmmaker James O’Keefe exposes the U.S.-Mexico border’s vulnerability to terrorism in his latest undercover project, obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller.

O’Keefe’s Project Veritas video reminds viewers of recent statements by the president and Obama administration officials that the southern border is secure. O’Keefe then proceeds to Hudspeth County, Texas, to easily cross back and forth cross the Rio Grande wearing the costume of modern history’s most recognizable terrorist.

I see no border patrol. I see no security,” O’Keefe said in the video before donning a bin Laden mask. “Thousands of people have stood in my footsteps right now. They’ve come from South America, Honduras, Guatemala, and they’ve all crossed the border. And if they can cross, anybody can cross.” (RELATED: The Time Fidel Castro Snuck Into America From Mexico)

O’Keefe’s work often distinguishes itself for proving taboo but accurate premises – in this case, that Islamic extremists are able to gain entry to the United States from Mexico, where drug cartels are linked to numerous terrorist organizations including Hezbollah and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), the strongest al-Qaida-like organization in the heart of the Middle East.

This summer has seen a whirlwind of terrorist activity on the southern border, with dire anecdotes pouring out of local news stations but ignored by the mainstream press. Security contractors found a Muslim prayer rug on the Arizona border, where 300 extremists affiliated with al-Qaida’s Somalia syndicate al-Shabab recently entered the United States unaccounted for. Terrorist watch-list suspects were also detained trying to get into the country through California. Country music legend Charlie Daniels revealed that, “I personally spoke with an Arizona law enforcement officer who had taken four what he called ‘Taliban’ out of the back of an 18 wheeler.”

Relevant on the contemporary merits, O’Keefe’s video also makes an important symbolic point thirteen confusing years after the attacks of 9/11. The terrorists we’re fighting today are more technologically savvy than their idol Osama bin Laden, the self-designed political figure who tried to fire history’s loudest shot. But their motives have not changed. And they have access to the United States.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/08/11/new-video-james-okeefe-crosses-the-border-as-osama-bin-laden/#ixzz3A6QksaDG



American Border Debacle







Man Crosses U.S. Border Dressed as ISIS Terrorist, Simulates Beheading

Stunt took place in exact spot where feds say
ISIS terror attack is imminent

by Paul Joseph Watson | September 5, 2014

Infowars reporter Joe Biggs crossed the U.S. border from Mexico dressed as an ISIS militant to illustrate how easy it is for anyone to get into America despite warnings that Islamic State terrorists are plotting to carry out attacks on the homeland from their base in Juarez.

Just miles from the center of El Paso, Texas, Biggs was able to cross a river from Mexico into America dressed as a jihadist, while simulating a beheading and waving an ISIS flag.

“We dressed up as an ISIS jihadi to be as obvious as possible and to show and illustrate just how wide open the border really is,” states Biggs.

Last month, James O’Keefe also demonstrated the porous state of the U.S. border when he crossed an unguarded footbridge in the upper Rio Grande while dressed as Osama Bin Laden.

Biggs’ stunt is shocking given that ISIS militants are currently operational in Juarez, Mexico, just across the border from El Paso, Texas.

According to an alert released by watchdog group Judicial Watch which cites high level law enforcement and intelligence sources, “Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED).”

“Intelligence officials have picked up radio talk and chatter indicating that the terrorist groups are going to “carry out an attack on the border,” according to one JW source. “It’s coming very soon,” according to this high-level source, who clearly identified the groups planning the plots as “ISIS and Al Qaeda.”

As we previously reported, the Vice President of the Border Patrol Council was silenced from commenting on the risk of an assault on the U.S. border by ISIS.

A recent report by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency (CBP) found that illegal immigrants from over 75 countries are crossing into the U.S. from Mexico, including individuals from Syria where ISIS has announced the establishment of its Islamic caliphate.

Yesterday, Senator Rand Paul urged the White House to, “secure our own borders and immigration policy from ISIS infiltration,” pointing to the ISIS terror threat to the southern border.

The fact that it is so easy for ISIS militants, drug dealers and other terrorists to cross into America via the largely unguarded border while ordinary Americans face routine harassment at the hands of the TSA merely for flying within the country highlights the ludicrousness of the Obama administration’s claim that it is adequately protecting the homeland.

Last month, the TSA admitted that illegals were allowed to board planes within the United States without having to show any form of proper identification.

Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71
FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson @ https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet 


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com.




How could there be a War on Terror and actually say that we're having a war against terrorism, and leave the borders wide open? If you were the President of the United States, or I were the President of the United States, and 9/11 really happened the way they want us to believe it happened, the first thing you would do is shut down the borders, so people couldn't get in the country to harm you. But they left the borders wide open. Because the bankers want the borders open, because they want a one-world government. They want a North American Union. They don't want borders here. 9/11 was only a manifestation. It was done to create a fear in the American public, so that we will obey what they want us to do.




THE FAKE WAR ON TERROR | INFAMOUS 9/11 | False Flag Event | ISIS/ALQAEDA | America Armed ISIS!! | Naked Body Scanners | American Border Debacle | Feds Radiating Americans | Illegal Checkpoints In America | Mobile Van Radiating the Public | Police Trained That Informed Americans Are Terrorists | The NSA (National Security Agency) | The Federal Reserve | Fusion Centers | TSA | N.W.O.









 Fake Skeptics & The "Conspiracy Theorist" Slur








Russia Today Declares 9/11 Was An Inside Job!

Probably the biggest and most public 9/11 story ever




************* ESSENTIAL BACKGROUND *************




Link: False Flag Event


Excerpt From Kurt Nimmo's :



Operation Gladio:

State Sponsored Terror
Blamed on the Left

Following the Second World War, the CIA and Britain’s MI6 collaborated through NATO on Operation Gladio, an effort to create a “stay behind army” to fight communism in the event of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe.

Gladio quickly transcended its original mission and became a covert terror network consisting of rightwing militias, organized crime elements, agents provocateurs and secret military units. The so-called stay behind armies were active in France, Belgium, Denmark, The Netherlands, Norway, Germany, and Switzerland.

Gladio’s “Strategy of Tension” was designed to portray leftist political groups in Europe as terrorists and frighten the populace into voting for authoritarian governments. In order to carry out this goal, Gladio operatives conducted a number of deadly terrorists attacks that were blamed on leftists and Marxists.

In August of 1980, Gladio operatives bombed a train station in Bologna, killing 85 people. Initially blamed on the Red Brigades, it was later discovered that fascist elements within the Italian secret police and Licio Gelli, the head of the P2 Masonic Lodge, were responsible for the terror attack. Other fascist groups, including Avanguardia Nazionale and Ordine Nuovo, were mobilized and engaged in terror.

Operation Gladio ultimately claimed the lives of hundreds of people across Europe.

According to Vincenzo Vinciguerra, a Gladio terrorist serving a life-sentence for murdering policemen, the reason for Gladio was simple. It was designed “to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security. This is the political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished, because the state cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened.”



Operation Gladio:
The Cold War 'Black Op' Continues

"Terror is being used as a weapon to destroy the cherished freedoms of democratic societies"
The recent attack on Libya laid bare the iron fist behind the velvet glove of slogans like "human rights" and "international community." This latest aggression, like the destruction of Yugoslavia and the rape of Afghanistan, proceeds under the cover of NATO. And what is NATO? Author Richard Cottrell tells the story of mayhem, murder and
subversion behind the "alliance for peace."






Gladio: NATO's Dagger at the Heart of Europe, The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis (paperback 484 pages) by former European parliamentarian Richard Cottrell reveals the dark side of NATO.  This explosive book covers a vast array of NATO assassination, false-flags and other covert operations.  

The recent attack on Libya laid bare the iron fist behind the velvet glove of slogans like "human rights" and "international community."  This latest aggression, like the destruction of Yugoslavia and the rape of Afghanistan, proceeds under the cover of NATO.  And what is NATO? Author Richard Cottrell tells the story of mayhem, murder and subversion behind the "alliance for peace."

Masquerading as a rear guard against Soviet invaders, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was promoted during the Cold War as a force for peace.  Yet NATO always had its very dark side since its inception.  NATO's covert forces warped into psychological and physical terrorism. These were the "years of lead," in which hundreds perished in a synthetic war in the streets of Europe. In addition, NATO commander General Lyman Lemnitzer ordered serial attacks on French president Charles de Gaulle. Sacked from the Pentagon by John F. Kennedy for rank insubordination, then exiled to Europe, did Lemnitzer also reap his revenge in Dallas?

Once the Soviet threat vanished, NATO became the aggressor against a series of small, independent nations: Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya with Syria and Iran next on the list.  These supposed peace keepers are constantly engaged in a cycle of overthrowing independent governments and constant warfare at the behest of their globalist handlers. 

A deeper look at NATO uncovers even more unsettling facts about this global police force.  The secret armies forged bonds with organized crime and neo-fascists. NATO-backed coups struck down governments in Greece and Turkey; the island state of Cyprus was sundered amid bitter genocide. Urban guerrillas like the Red Brigades and the Baader-Meinhof Gang were cunningly manipulated. Italy gained a deep-state government, the ultra-secret P2 pseudo-Masonic lodge, founded by former Blackshirts.

The covert units of NATO continue to operate and their fingerprints are found on many different world events.  Swedish premier Olof Palme and Italian ex-PM Aldo Moro were assassinated. Pope John Paul II was shot by Turkish gangsters who had regular work as Gladio guns for hire. The shootings in Norway in July 2011, and in Belgium, France and Italy in 2012, all bore the classic stripe of Gladio false-flag operations.

Cottrell documents how the infamous Northwoods Plot virus was transmitted into the reign of terror that has struck the western world in the wake of 9/11.  The old communist bogey-man was replace with new enemies: jihadists and anarchists supposedly opposed to the global world order.  He shows that the Gladio virus is not past history, but is highly active today.  He writes "Terror is being used as a weapon to destroy the cherished freedoms of democratic societies. This is the forerunner of the autocratic authoritarian system for which Lemnitzer yearned."



Links: False Flag Event | C.I.A.





An independent agency of the United States government responsible for collecting and coordinating intelligence and counterintelligence activities abroad in the national interest; headed by the Director of Central Intelligence under the supervision of the President and National Security Council...There has been considerable criticism of the CIA relating to security and counterintelligence failures, failures in intelligence analysis, human rights concerns, external investigations and document releases, influencing public opinion and law enforcement, drug trafficking, and lying to Congress. In 1987, the former CIA Station Chief in Angola in 1976, John Stockwell, said the CIA is responsible for tens of thousands of covert actions and destablization programs since it was created by Congress with the passage of the National Security Act of 1947. At the time, Stockwell estimated that over 6 million people had died in CIA covert actions.


Link: C.I.A.




The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is a governmental agency belonging to the United StatesDepartment of Justice that serves as both a federal criminal investigative body and an internal intelligence agency (counterintelligence). Also, it is the government agency responsible for investigating crimes on Indian reservations in the United States under the Major Crimes Act. The branch has investigative jurisdiction over violations of more than 200 categories of federal crime. The agency was established in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation (BOI). Its name was changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1935. The agency headquarters is the J. Edgar Hoover Building, located in Washington, D.C. The agency has fifty-six field offices located in major cities throughout the United States, and more than 400 resident agencies in lesser cities and areas across the nation. More than 50 international offices called "legal attachés" exist in U.S. embassies and consulates general worldwide. 

'Federal Bureau of Investigation organizes almost all terror plots in the US' ...The report reveals that the FBI regularly infiltrates communities where they suspect terrorist-minded individuals to be engaging with others. Regardless of their intentions, agents are sent in to converse within the community, find suspects that could potentially carry out “lone wolf” attacks and then, more or less, encourage them to do so. By providing weaponry, funds and a plan, FBI-directed agents will encourage otherwise-unwilling participants to plot out terrorist attacks, only to bust them before any events fully materialize.


Link: F.B.I.







North Atlantic Treaty Organization


Ever since its inception there have been those who have warned that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, far from offering a simple "collective security" pact to ensure the integrity of its member nations' borders, would in fact be used as an offensive tool of imperial adventurism and conquest. Since the NATO-led Kosovo bombing campaign of 1999 at the very least, those fears have appeared more and more justified.

Since that time, NATO has continued to take a lead role in more and more overtly offensive campaigns of aggression in theatre after theatre. By now it is commonly understood to be an extension of the Pentagon itself, a convenient international military instrument for Washington to wield whenever the pretense of an international consensus cannot be achieved at the UN Security Council. -- James Corbett

NATO is the first attempt in history to establish an aggressive global military formation, one which currently includes a third of the nations of the world either as members or partners, has members and partners on five continents and has conducted active operations on four, with the potential to expand its reach into the remaining two where it has not yet officially intruded itself...As NATO continues to expand across the globe through a series of partnerships, initiatives and dialogues, what was once a collective security agreement is increasingly becoming a global military strike force capable of bombarding, invading and occupying countries anywhere in the world.




Link: NATO




BOMBSHELL Documents Expose The Secret Lie That Started the Afghan War

Published on Sep 4, 2018

TRANSCRIPT AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=27801

How did the war in Afghanistan start? And how did NATO become involved in this conflict? These details are never discussed because they have for nearly two decades, been hidden behind a shroud of secrecy. But now, after nearly two decades of lies, the remarkable truth about the secret documents that helped launch the Afghan war can finally be revealed.
This is the story of The Secret Lie That Started the Afghan War.

 MORE HERE: Troops Protect Government Drug Dealing





15 Disturbing 9/11 Facts You'll Wish Weren't True


Published on Jun 8, 2015

Thanks for watching. If you like this vid, maybe you'll like some of my others. If so, why not SUBSCRIBE and Share?*** Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/11rr1ln Like to hear your COMMENTS...I DO read 'em.






British Man Wins Small Victory
For 9/11 Truthers

April 5, 2013 by  

A British 9/11 truther is claiming victory following a court ruling that said he did not have to pay a fine over his refusal to pay his annual £130 TV license fee.

Tony Rooke claimed the BBC intentionally misrepresented facts about the 9/11 attacks when it reported that World Trade Center 7 collapsed “due to an office fire, which, even the NIST report says, fell at free-fall speed for eight floors in 2.5 seconds. That is absolutely impossible without a controlled demolition being involved.” The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is the U.S. government agency charged with investigating collapses.

In an act of civil disobedience, Rooke refused to support the BBC and pay the license fee because he believed the BBC has covered up the events of that day. To pay the license fee, he said, would be tantamount to supporting the terrorists responsible for the controlled demolition. He also argued that supporting terrorists would violate the UK’s Terrorism Act, which states: “It is an offence for someone to invite another to provide money, intending that it should be used, or having reasonable cause to suspect that it may be used, for terrorism purposes.”

Rooke was charged with not paying the license fee. Prior to his hearing, Rooke provided the court with evidence that both WTC towers and WTC 7 were destroyed by controlled demolition rather than by the airliner impacts and subsequent fires. The judge gave Rooke an unconditional discharge, which in British legal parlance means he was convicted but he does not suffer the consequences of a conviction and the conviction will be erased if he is not brought before the court for six months. He was not required to pay the fee and non-payment fine but had to pay court costs of £200.

Peter Drew, an AE911Truth UK action group facilitator, told Digital Journal he is organizing a campaign against the BBC because its royal charter requires it to present evidence that is impartial and accurate. Drew claims the BBC ignored reports from investigators who in 2008 claimed WTC 7 did indeed fall at freefall speed.

“Today was an historic day for the 9/11 truth movement,” Drew told Digital Journal, “with over 100 members of the public attending, including numerous journalists from around the UK as well as from across other parts of Europe.”

The BBC first reported the collapse of WTC 7 about 20 minutes before it occurred. The “official line” from the U.S. government is the building fell due to fire damage. But it collapsed into its own footprint and was the first steel-reinforced high-rise to ever collapse due to an uncontrolled fire. Explosions were heard and reported prior to the collapse.






Who Was Really Behind the 9/11 Attacks?

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=7944

As we approach the 12th anniversary of 9/11, it is time for 9/11 truth to mature as a movement before it stagnates into insignificance. Either the movement will live up to its potential by naming names and identifying suspects in the crime, or it will become another JFK assassination investigation, doomed to spend half a century fighting pointless territorial battles while the real perpetrators walk free. Join us for this 9/11 anniversary edition of The Corbett Report as we ask the question and
demand an answer: Who was really behind the attacks?





More than a Decade After 9/11, Globalists Openly Embrace

In case you didn’t get the memo, al-Qaeda – the group supposedly responsible for 9/11 – is now our ally in Syria


Sept. 11, 2013

When Infowars made the claim months ago that the government’s ties to al-Qaeda effectively meant Obama had assumed the role of global head of al-Qaeda, we were predictably demonized for calling our beloved leader out on his administration’s murderous relationship with what we have been led to believe are some of the most notorious criminals on the planet.

infowars911After all, it was al-Qaeda – we were told – who committed the heinous acts of 9/11.

Although our damning report provided profuse documentation supporting the fact the Obama administration has directly been funneling aid and training, along with millions of dollars, to Al Qaeda-dominated Syrian opposition forces, mainstream media “pundits,” led by the likes of MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, still attempted to discredit Jones using straw man and ad hominem tactics – as well as formulating and attributing patently unsubstantiated accusations.

Maddow lumped our heavily documented claim that America’s dear leader was in bed with Al Qaeda with lesser-popular conspiracies, many of whose official stories have also been thoroughly debunked.

“He also thinks the evidence is overwhelming that the government staged the Oklahoma City bombing that the government staged the space shuttle disaster,” Maddow said in April.

“He also says the evidence is overwhelming that President Obama is now personally the global head of al Qaeda. See, folks, the evidence is just overwhelming. Do I have to spell it out for you, are you blind?” Maddow asked, feigning incredulity and ignoring the deluge of supporting evidence provided in our article.

Fervent Infowars readers likely need no further evidence America has been the primary mover behind Al Qaeda forces in Syria. For years, we have documented how the CIA and other foreign governments have purposely installed different factions of the “terror group” (read as: mercenaries) around the world to destabilize key regions.

Here is just a smattering of recent articles further supporting the fact Obama is working with the very people we were told to fear in the days after 9/11.

Ignoring the Headlines

In order to remain blithely oblivious to the multiple confirmations proving our claims accurate, it’s necessary to ignore contradictory headlines. Here are a few:

In a recent article by the UK’s London Independent, writer Robert Fisk asked “Does Obama know he’s fighting on Al-Qaeda’s side?

If Barack Obama decides to attack the Syrian regime, he has ensured – for the very first time in history – that the United States will be on the same side as al-Qa’ida.

In a USA Today story titled, “Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda,” writer Mona Alami also claimed the following:

A Syrian rebel group’s April pledge of allegiance to al-Qaeda’s replacement for Osama bin Laden suggests that the terrorist group’s influence is not waning and that it may take a greater role in the Western-backed fight to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Another story out of the London Guardian, entitled, “Al-Qaida Turns Tide for Rebels in Battle for Eastern Syria,” fleshed out that Free Syrian Army fighters met “almost every day” with al-Qaeda leadership, the same rebel forces we’ve been pledging millions of dollars to.

In yet another story indicating the Free Syrian Army was increasingly being overtaken by anti-American al-Qaeda loyalism, the BBC interestingly published an article titled, “Syria crisis: Al-Nusra pledges allegiance to al-Qaeda.”

The leader of the al-Nusra Front, a jihadist group fighting in Syria, has pledged allegiance to the leader of al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri.

Abu Mohammed al-Jawlani said the group’s behaviour in Syria would not change as a result.

And in a report from February by the London Telegraph, titled, “Syria: how jihadist group Jabhat al-Nusra is taking over Syria’s revolution,” Ruth Sherlock wrote:

For many Syrians Nusra is synonymous with al-Qaeda. Many of their fighters are foreign jihadists; some fought with al-Qaeda in Iraq.

Last December, The Gray Lady of establishment propaganda, The New York Times, was also forced to report “Syrian Rebels Tied to Al Qaeda Play Key Role in War.

Ignoring Pundits, Lawmakers and Leaders

Several prominent political pundits and national leaders have also begun attempting to wake the American people up to Obama’s al-Qaeda support efforts.

When the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted last week to authorize strikes on Syria, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul highlighted the absurdity of aiding known terrorists when he stated, “This is an important moment… You will be funding, today, the allies of al Qaeda. It’s an irony you cannot overcome.”

Conservative pundit Pat Buchanan was also one of the first prominent political commentators to reveal he believed the Syrian gas attack may have been a staged provocation.

We have also seen Senators Ted Cruz and Dennis Kucinich state that if Obama authorized air strikes on Syria, then our military would in effect become “Al Qaeda’s air force.”

Also last month, we saw former Congressman Ron Paul claim he believed Syria’s disputed August 21 chemical weapons attack could have been a “false flag” attack, and asked Fox News host Neil Cavuto, “Why don’t we ask about the Al Qaeda? Why are we on the side of the Al Qaeda right now?”

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has also made clear that the Obama administration is now colluding with the Taliban while the group carries out suicide bombings in the “service of America.”

‘Winston, we were never at war with Eurasia!’ – Obama admits he wants to aid al-Qaeda

In last night’s speech, Obama confessed to the nation the opposition forces he so badly wanted to support in Syria were increasingly al-Qaeda extremists.

“It’s true that some of Assad’s opponents are extremists,” Obama admitted. “But al Qaeda will only draw strength in a more chaotic Syria if people there see the world doing nothing to prevent innocent civilians from being gassed to death.”

George Orwell’s 1984 perfectly depicted the problem of a nation surrendering control of its media to government. In his startlingly accurate vision, whole nations were convinced they had never been at war, or were always at war, simply through media manipulation.

Of course, Orwell never anticipated the immense technological advances that would one day emerge to aid those who currently find themselves in Winston Smith’s shoes; in other words, those who have realized the absurdity of embracing the very terror groups we were supposed to be fighting.

Even former US National Security Adviser and Trilateral Commission co-founder Zbigniew Brzezinski has recently had to admit that “instant mass communications such as radio, television and the Internet” was derailing efforts to create a new world order, and that a “global political awakening” was responsible for unhinging plans for a Syrian intervention.

It’s important to realize that it’s the media’s job to feed us war propaganda. Through war, the globalists believe, they can derive order from chaos.

However, with the Defense Department’s recent admissions they would have to beef up their public affairs efforts due to the American people no longer placing faith in their credibility, and with Obama backing off of a potential Syria strike (for the time being), it’s evident humanity is at a turning point where alternative and independent media is beginning to have an impact being felt at the highest levels of government.


Last year, Former Congressman Ron Paul predicted a false flag attack would be used to have the public go along with a Syrian war. He also warned that much of what the media pushes is war propaganda.



This article was posted: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 at 1:26 pm

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#Declassify the 28 Redacted Pages in the 9/11 Intelligence Report

Published on Sep 8, 2014

Former Congressman Ron Paul has called upon social media to do what lawmakers cannot do effectively — demand the release of 28 redacted pages from the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 report that cites some of the extensive ties between the Bush Administration and the Saudis, who evidence shows, financed the 9/11 hijackers. (Consider two of the leading members of the powerful Carlyle Group, George H.W. Bush and Shafig bin Laden, who were reportedly both speaking together at a Carlyle event the morning of September 11.)

Paul, who suggested prior knowledge of the attacks by the Bush Administration called on people to post videos and images demanding that the powers-that-be #declassify 9/11 evidence that has kept victims' family members from suing individuals in Saudi Arabia for their culpability, and which would tarnish the image of the black op Bush family. Whether that can of worms would ever be opened remains to be seen... but it is another worthy effort to bring truth and greater transparency to what many have concluded to be a false flag attack that served as a pretext for ongoing war in the Middle East and for a transformation of American rights to bring it under police state control.

Main source:








NBC Censors Snowden’s Critical 9/11 Comments from Prime Time Audience


by Mikael Thalen | Infowars.com | May 29, 2014

Statements made by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden regarding the 9/11 terror attacks were edited out of his NBC Nightly News interview with Brian Williams Wednesday in what appears to be an attempt to bolster legitimacy for the agency’s controversial surveillance programs.

Snowden’s comments surrounding the failure of dragnet surveillance in stopping the 9/11 attacks were censored from the prime time broadcast and instead buried in an hour long clip on NBC’s website.

Comments at 33:28

You know this is a key question that the 9/11 commission considered, and what they found in the postmortem when they looked at all the classified intelligence from all the different intelligence agencies, they found that we had all of the information we needed as an intelligence community, as a classified sector, as the national defense of the United States, to detect this plot,” Snowden said.

“We actually had records of the phone calls from the United States and out. The CIA knew who these guys were. The problem was not that we weren’t collecting information, it wasn’t that we didn’t have enough dots, it wasn’t that we didn’t have a haystack, it was that we did not understand the haystack that we had.”

NBC’s decision to annex Snowden’s comments are unsurprising given the fact that the 9/11 attacks are exhaustively used by the federal government as the prime justification for surveilling millions of innocent Americans. Snowden remarked on the government’s prior knowledge of the accused Boston bombers as well, also cut from the prime time interview.

‘If we’re missing things like the Boston Marathon bombings where all of these mass-surveillance systems, every domestic dragnet in the world, didn’t reveal guys that the Russian intelligence service told us about by name, is that really the best way to protect our country or are we trying to throw money at a magic solution that’s actually not just costing us our safety, but our rights and our way of life,” Snowden said.

Despite countless government officials pointing to 9/11 foreknowledge, whether missed or ignored, establishment media outlets have continually worked to keep such voices out of relevant reporting.

Former NSA senior executive turned whistleblower Thomas Drake, who revealed unconstitutional surveillance programs targeting Americans in 2005, has repeatedly commented on NSA intelligence that would have “undoubtedly” stopped the 9/11 attacks.

“The NSA had critical intelligence about Al Qaeda and associated movements in particular that had never been properly shared outside of NSA,” Drake said in a recent interview. “They simply did not share critical intelligence although they had it.”



In a January letter to President Obama, Drake and fellow whistleblowers William Binney, Edward Loomis, and Kirk Wiebe not only detailed the agency’s foreknowledge, but the ensuing cover-up as well.

“The sadder reality, Mr. President, is that NSA itself had enough information to prevent 9/11, but chose to sit on it rather than share it with the FBI or CIA. We know; we were there,” the letter reads. “We were witness to the many bureaucratic indignities that made NSA at least as culpable for pre-9/11 failures as are other U.S. intelligence agencies.”

Outside of the NSA, countless intelligence officials have also commented on 9/11 foreknowledge and the federal government’s attempts to stifle any investigation into negligence and wrongdoing.

Former senior intelligence officer Lt. Col Anthony Shaffer, who attempted to inform the government after identifying the two terrorist cells later charged for the 9/11 attacks in 2000 during Operation Able Danger, was attacked and demonized by the Defense Intelligence Agency after informing Congress of the agency’s refusal to act.

“I had no intention of joining the ranks of ‘whistle blowers,’” Shaffer said in 2009. “When I made my disclosure to the 9/11 commission regarding the existence of a pre 9/11 offensive counter-terrorism operation that had discovered several of the 9/11 terrorists a full year before the 9/11 attacks my intention was to simply tell the truth, and fulfill my oath of office.”

Former FBI wiretap translator Sibel Edmonds, who had access to top-secret communications, told reporters in 2004 that the FBI had detailed 9/11 foreknowledge that specifically mentioned a terrorist attack involving airplanes.

“We should have had orange or red-type of alert in June or July of 2001. There was that much information available,” Edmonds told Salon. “There was specific information about use of airplanes, that an attack was on the way two or three months beforehand and that several people were already in the country by May of 2001. They should’ve alerted the people to the threat we’re facing.”

According to Edmonds, after the 9/11 attacks, FBI supervisors ordered translators to “work slowly” in order to ensure that the agency would get larger funding the next year.

The vast number of whistleblowers in the intelligence community not only gives credence to Snowden’s comments, but also exemplifies the NSA’s illegitimate growth since 9/11.

In a desperate attempt to gain the moral high ground, Secretary of State John Kerry claimed Snowden had aided terrorists during an interview on “Good Morning America” Wednesday despite having absolutely no evidence to support his accusation.

Despite the fact that the NSA leaks have proven the agency to be involved in issues unrelated to national security, such as economic espionage, the claim of using mass surveillance to stop terrorism deteriorates even further in light of recent decisions by the Obama Administration.

In 2013, President Obama waived a federal law designed to prevent the US from arming terrorists in order to provide military support to the “Syrian rebels.” Even with Syrian Revolutionary Front leader Jamal Maarouf admitting that his fighters work alongside the Al-Qaeda aligned Jabhat al-Nusra, the Obama Administration has continued its unflinching support.

The president’s support of Al-Qaeda was so transparent during the Libyan overthrow that former Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich publicly questioned why the US-backed “Libyan rebels” had placed an Al Qaeda flag over the top of the courthouse in Benghazi.

Whether it be issuing fake terror alerts, creating domestic terror plots or allowing them to take place, the national security state will undoubtedly do whatever it can to continue its unabated growth towards total information awareness.




Press For Truth Presents:
9/11 The Toronto Hearings

  (FULL DVD 2019)

Press For Truth
First published at 21:41 UTC on September 11th, 2019.

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In 2011, experts and scientists from around the world gathered in Toronto, Canada to present new and established evidence that questions the official story of 9/11. This evidence was presented to a distinguished panel of experts over a 4 day period.
Through their analysis and scientific investigations, they hope to spark a new investigation into the attacks of September 11, 2001.

Press For Truth and The International Center for 9/11 Studies Present:

"The Toronto Hearings on 9/11: Uncovering Ten Years of Deception"

Produced by:
Steven Davies
Dan Dicks
Bryan Law

An over 5 hour DVD, with comprehensive coverage of the 4 day Toronto Hearings from September 2011.

Featuring expert witness testimony from:

David Ray Griffin
Richard Gage
David Chandler
Kevin Ryan
Niels Harrit
Barbara Honegger
Peter Dale Scott
Graeme MacQueen
Jonathan Cole
Cynthia McKinney
...and many more!

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Bin Laden Death Another Gov't Lie

In addition to images of President Obama’s address to the American public on Sunday night, it has emerged that the dramatic photos of Obama, Biden, Hillary Clinton and members of the White House security team watching the assassination of Bin Laden “live” were in fact completely staged, casting further doubt on the ever-changing
official account of the operation.

The staging of the Obama speech photo is embarrassing, but the staging of the situation room photos, which were heavily promoted by the establishment media, falsely presented as evidence that Obama, Biden and Clinton saw the assassination of Osama live, and used by the White House to lend credence to the fairytale
they were busily scripting, are damning.

Link: Proof: Bin Laden Death Another Govt Lie





DHS Gave Muslim Brotherhood


A newly released document obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request confirms that the State Department ordered the Department of Homeland Security to spare members of the Muslim Brotherhood traveling to the US in 2012 a TSA pat down or any kind of secondary screening.

The one page document (PDF), obtained by the Investigative Project on Terrorism, shows that members of a Muslim Brotherhood delegation traveling through Minneapolis Airport, New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport and Dulles Airport were handed expedited entry known as “port courtesy,” which is normally reserved for high ranking government officials and dignitaries. At the time, the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate Mohamed Morsi,later deposed, had not been elected president.








The Osama Bin Laden Death Hoax

The OBL Death Hoax

Bin Laden was a strawman-villain concocted by the Western intelligence apparatus to take the blame for the orchestrated terror that is scripted and carried out by the globalist-allied factions. The Phantom Osama bin Laden was a skeleton key opening the door to foreign intervention in the middle east or anywhere al Qaeda might be. The motive is simple-- ever-expanding wars for the military industrial complex, and the often more lucrative periods of reconstruction (i.e. you break it, you buy it). The occupation continues here at home with the creation of a police state supposedly meant to combat terrorism. 

Link: The OBL Death Hoax






[ AL-QAEDA EXPOSED!! ] | Obama Now Global Head of Alqaeda! | False Flag Event | THE FAKE WAR ON TERROR






...Instead of accepting at face value the Federal Government’s deeply-flawed investigation, A Noble Lie features groundbreaking information and eyewitness testimonies that refute the official story. ...The April 19, 1995 bombing that destroyed much of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building involved far more revealing evidence than the FBI maintains. A Noble Lie presents interviews with police officers, first responders, victims, journalists, and investigators whose evidence demonstrates that not all the perpetrators were brought to justice.

A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995 is the only full-length documentary that addresses and answers many of the questions people have asked about the bombing. Details as to what really happened regarding this horrific event, taking the lives of 168 people, have been summarily covered up by the Federal Government. A Noble Lie is the culmination of years of research and documentation conducted by independent journalists, scholars, and ordinary citizens. Often risking their personal safety and sanity, they have gathered evidence which threatens to expose the startling reality of what exactly occurred at 9:02 am on April 19, 1995 in Oklahoma City.

 Link: Proof: OKC INSIDE JOB






“Conspiracy Theory”:
Foundations of a Weaponized Term

Subtle and Deceptive Tactics to Discredit Truth in Media and Research

By James F. Tracy
Global Research, January 22, 2013

Conspiracy theory” is a term that at once strikes fear and anxiety in the hearts of most every public figure, particularly journalists and academics. Since the 1960s the label has become a disciplinary device that has been overwhelmingly effective in defining certain events off limits to inquiry or debate. Especially in the United States raising legitimate questions about dubious official narratives destined to inform public opinion (and thereby public policy) is a major thought crime that must be cauterized from the public psyche at all costs.

Conspiracy theory’s acutely negative connotations may be traced to liberal historian Richard Hofstadter’s well-known fusillades against the “New Right.” Yet it was the Central Intelligence Agency that likely played the greatest role in effectively “weaponizing” the term. In the groundswell of public skepticism toward the Warren Commission’s findings on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the CIA sent a detailed directive to all of its bureaus. Titled “Countering Criticism of the Warren Commission Report,” the dispatch played a definitive role in making the “conspiracy theory” term a weapon to be wielded against almost any individual or group calling the government’s increasingly clandestine programs and activities into question.

This important memorandum and its broad implications for American politics and public discourse are detailed in a forthcoming book by Florida State University political scientist Lance de-Haven-Smith, Conspiracy Theory in America. Dr. de-Haven-Smith devised the state crimes against democracy concept to interpret and explain potential government complicity in events such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the major political assassinations of the 1960s, and 9/11.

“CIA Document 1035-960” was released in response to a 1976 FOIA request by the New York Times. The directive is especially significant because it outlines the CIA’s concern regarding “the whole reputation of the American government” vis-à-vis the Warren Commission Report. The agency was especially interested in maintaining its own image and role as it “contributed information to the [Warren] investigation.”

The memorandum lays out a detailed series of actions and techniques for “countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists, so as to inhibit the circulation of such claims in other countries.” For example, approaching “friendly elite contacts (especially politicians and editors)” to remind them of the Warren Commission’s integrity and soundness should be prioritized. “[T]he charges of the critics are without serious foundation,” the document reads, and “further speculative discussion only plays in to the hands of the [Communist] opposition.”

The agency also directed its members “[t]o employ propaganda assets to [negate] and refute the attacks of the critics. Book reviews and feature articles are particularly appropriate for this purpose.”

1035-960 further delineates specific techniques for countering “conspiratorial” arguments centering on the Warren Commission’s findings. Such responses and their coupling with the pejorative label have been routinely wheeled out in various guises by corporate media outlets, commentators and political leaders to this day against those demanding truth and accountability about momentous public events.

  • No significant new evidence has emerged which the [Warren] Commission did not consider.
  • Critics usually overvalue particular items and ignore others.
  • Conspiracy on the large scale often suggested would be impossible to conceal in the United States.
  • Critics have often been enticed by a form of intellectual pride: they light on some theory and fall in love with it.
  • Oswald would not have been any sensible person’s choice for a co-conspirator.
  • Such vague accusations as that “more than ten people have died mysteriously” [during the Warren Commission’s inquiry] can always be explained in some natural way e.g.: the individuals concerned have for the most part died of natural causes.

Today more so than ever news media personalities and commentators occupy powerful positions for initiating propaganda activities closely resembling those set out in 1035-960 against anyone who might question state-sanctioned narratives of controversial and poorly understood occurrences. Indeed, as the motives and methods encompassed in the document have become fully internalized by intellectual workers and operationalized through such media, the almost uniform public acceptance of official accounts concerning unresolved events such as the Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building bombing, 9/11, and most recently the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, is largely guaranteed.

The effect on academic and journalistic inquiry into ambiguous and unexplained events that may in turn mobilize public inquiry, debate and action has been dramatic and far-reaching. One need only look to the rising police state and evisceration of civil liberties and constitutional protections as evidence of how this set of subtle and deceptive intimidation tactics has profoundly encumbered the potential for future independent self-determination and civic empowerment.


Link: C.I.A.




Media Controllers | Media Controllers2 | Media Controllers3 |
Propaganda History | Subverting The Public





Link: Subverting The Public





The Next Terrorist Attack - What The Mainstream Media Isn't Telling You

You've probably heard the media talking about the impending terrorist attack, but here's what they aren't telling you.
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U.S. Naval history website where they admit that the attack that was used to justify the Vietnam war never happened: http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/sh...


The other information mentioned is extremely easy to find with a simple google [startpage] search. Don't be lazy.






LINK: 911 The Road to Tyranny



"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety."






The Patriot Act

A documentary that investigates the ways in which the civil liberties of American citizens and immigrants have been rolled back since the September 11 and the Patriot Act.


unconstitutional documentary

The Patriot Act -- In the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the United States Congress passed what became known as "The Patriot Act," a package of legislation President George W. Bush and his cabinet claimed was intended to help law enforcement officials take steps to stop terrorism. However, the bill was run through Congress so quickly that very few lawmakers were able to read it before it was passed, and it wasn't long before many Americans began to ask if the act posed a real threat to civil liberties and constitutional freedoms at home.




Assassination Program

The Patriot Act


You Are Being Targeted


Police Trained That Informed Americans Are Terrorists

Law Enforcement Requested Shooting Targets of Pregnant Women

DHS Preparing For 7-Year War Against American People

The Constitution







WHO: 24.4 Million in Yemen Need Humanitarian Assistance, Jan 18, 2019

"This support to the Saudi-UAE effort to wage this war in Yemen, though, is not legitimate. It's illegal. It was started by the Obama administration and continued and emphasized by the Trump administration. It's illegal. It's brutal."

-- Col. Larry Wilkerson --
Most of Congress "Likes War" and Opposes Ending US Support for Saudi War in Yemen.
TheRealNews, Published on Nov 6, 2017

“A lot of people at least the corporate media, the western media, the establishment media - whatever you want to call it - tend to tell us that this is a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran...Is that true?” [Rick Sanchez]

It’s not to the extent that they talk about it at all. MSNBC ignored this conflict for two years as Fair showed. But, now that they are talking about it; what they need to point out is that the Houthis have been winning for two reasons: One is that they actually recommandeered billions of dollars of weapons the US supplied the deposed and dead dictator Saleh. And worked along side the Yemeni army which was formerly supplied by the US not Iran. Iran is supplying some political and media support but not the weapons that our government and the Saudis claim.  So the idea of a proxy war is false. The Houthis are an endogenous nationalistic resistance force that is fighting against a puppet government that poses an existential threat to them!” [Max Blumenthal]

--Rick Sanchez & Max Blumenthal--
The ABC’s of the War in Yemen with Max Blumenthal. RT, Nov1, 2018

"The UN embargo/blockade against Yemen and the Yemenis violates Genocide Convention article II (e): Deliberately inflicting on the group, conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part."

 Prof. Francis A Boyle --
YEMEN: A Genocidal War Against Children and Civilians Sanctioned by the UN, US, UK & NATO

"Boyle explained that the Saudis and their allies in the Gulf Arab Emirates wanted to establish full control over the entire Arabian peninsula and also of the choke point region at the head of the Persian, or Arabian Gulf through which all oil exports, including those of Iran and Iraq were shipped by sea. 'They want to control the entire Saudi Peninsula, all its resources, and the Bab Al-Mandeb Strait through which all the oil and gas to Europe must pass,' he said."

-- Vanessa Beeley, Journalist --
YEMEN: “Saudis, Emiratis and USA are Inflicting a War of Genocide Against the Houthis" - Prof. Francis Boyle

Whitney Webb Interview The Ignored Yemen Genocide:
"18.4 Million People Are Starving To Death"
The Last American Vagabond Published on Nov 1, 2018





The Naked Zionist


4. Isis Plots Christmas Attack in US/UN moves Against Israel. Published on YouTube: The Alex Jones Channel, Dec 24, 2016.

5. Alex Jones Talks About Why He Supports Israel. Published on YouTube: The Alex Jones Channel, May 14, 2018.

“What would happen if the Jews pulled out of Israel today and left? Within a year there’d be nothing but people murdering and killing each other and blowing each other up and fighting, because that’s what the middle east does. You don’t build stuff; you don’t develop things; you don’t have a culture that’s based on renaissance; it’s all based on conquest. And you’ll just start saying, You’re not as Shiite as I am, or you’re not as Sunni as I am, and killing and blowing each other up in five minutes. That’s all I’m saying, for God sakes.” Alex Jones, ISIS Plots Christmas Attack in US / UN Moves Against Israel, The Alex Jones Channel Published on Dec 24, 2016


Lookintoit.org Disclaimer: The information posted is for educational purposes, and as with all videos and articles on this site, doesn't necessarily constitute an endorsement of all an author's views and opinions.

ISIS Plots Christmas Attack in US / UN Moves Against Israel

The Alex Jones Channel
Published on Dec 24, 2016


Globalists Move Against Netanyahu in Preperation Against Trump Takedown

The Alex Jones Channel
Published on Jan 2, 2017

Alex Jones Talks About Why He Supports Israel

The Alex Jones Channel
Published on May 14, 2018

Alex Jones breaks down why he politically supports Israel in the midst of the new conflict breaking out across the middle east between Israel, Syria, Iran, Russia, and the United States.







Alex Jones Exposed as a Zionist Apologist AGAIN!


Know More News
Streamed live Jul 11, 2018
Know More News with Adam Green

Alex Jones back to the Woodshed

Ryan Dawson
Published on Jan 1, 2017

Dawson's Patreon here 

With Trump elected the temporary hold on smacking Jones is over. Plus Alex went full cuck mode for Israel. He said the Middle East other than the Jews, have no culture and can't build anything. That they only know destruction. Funny because Europe colonized over half the planet and started both world wars.

Alex Zionist Jones woodshed IV prayer for Netanyahu

Ryan Dawson
Published on Jan 6, 2017

Donate to a real alt media: here 
Woodshed 3
Woodshed 2


How are Palestinians reacting to the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem and violence in Gaza?

CBS News
Published on May 14, 2018

Noura Erakat, a human rights attorney and assistant professor at George Mason University, discusses the Palestinian reaction to the U.S. embassy opening in Jerusalem and examines the influence of Hamas on Palestinians in Gaza.


- The Infamous Oded Yinon Plan -

Greater Israel (Oded Yinon Plan) - Zionist Plan To Expand Israel's Borders And Balkanize The Nations Surrounding It.

Cynthia McKinney
Ken O'Keefe
Mimi al-Laham aka Syrian Girl
Norman Finkelstein

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
The Infamous "Oded Yinon Plan". Introduction by Michel Chossudovsky


Psywars , Beware of Both MSM and Alt-Media , SYRIA , Zionism 

Psywars - The Selling Out of Alex Jones/Infowars




"The globalists create confusion by design so that people see a smokescreen and can't figure out what's going on and that they hope would just roll over and give up."

-- Alex Jones, vid: Trump Puppeted By Pro-War Left To Attack Syria --

Adaptation and Conformity
The Selling Out of Alex Jones/Infowars






Dancing Israelis Photos
Analysis w/ Ryan Dawson

Know More News
Streamed live on May 12, 2019
Know More News with Adam Green

Support Know More News: Paypal Donations/Tips - https://www.paypal.me/KnowMoreNews Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/AdamGreen Venmo - @Know-More-News Twitter - https://twitter.com/Know_More_News Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KnowMoreNews SUBSCRIBE ON BITCHUTE!!! https://www.bitchute.com/channel/know...


Ryan Dawson ANC Report Links: https://www.youtube.com/user/Rys2sense https://www.ancreport.com/ https://www.patreon.com/ryandawson






Calm And Courage In A 9/11 World

Published on Sep 10, 2018

This message was preached by Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Sunday, September 9, 2018 during the service at Liberty Fellowship. To purchase a copy of this message or to support the fellowship please visit LibertyFellowshipMT.com

Link: Asleep at the Switch




"Tallest Building Ever To Be Demolished This Way"

(I Could Swear I've Seen Taller Ones...?)






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False Flag Event | [ AL-QAEDA EXPOSED!! ] | Seal Team 6 Was Executed | Obama Now Global Head of Alqaeda! | Terrorism's Big Dirty Secret | Proof: Bin Laden Death Another Gov't Lie | CIA Admit Making Fake Bin Laden Videos | Witness to Government False Flag : Kurt Haskell | Proof: OKC INSIDE JOB | INFAMOUS 9/11 | Syria: Another Fake Massacre | INTERNET FALSE FLAGS | Subverting The Public | Propaganda History | Media Controllers | Media Controllers2 | Media Controllers3 | Slave Mentality | War On Terror | The Balkanization of America | Educational System Dismantlement | Tattle-Tell Squads and Surveillance | Post Office Trucks Stasi Data Collection Nodes | Tattle-Tell Articles | Snitch Phone Application | YouTube Tattling | Bread and Circus | Learned Helplessness | Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation

Psywars - The Selling Out of Alex Jones/Infowars




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